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🤩 Massive Shopify Update, Powerful Copywriting Tips, and More

🤩 Massive Shopify Update, Powerful Copywriting Tips, and More

Last Updated:  
March 18, 2024

👋 Hello beautiful Whale Mailer!

Just touched down in ATX after a nightmarish travel experience.

But, the positive:

The very first Whale Roadshow in the amazing NYC was a huge success.

To have the hitters that we had all in one room was an honor.

And more importantly:

Y'all know how to have a good time!!

Now, for today’s roundup…

First up is a podcast episode with Sean McGinnis .

Sean is President of KURU Footwear, and has over a decade of experience in ecom. Get your notebook out for this episode…

Now, for our recommended readings.

First up, a deep dive by Nik Sharma on a brand new (massive) Shopify announcement.

Then we have a thread by Chris Hladczuck on 7 powerful marketing principles from David Ogilvy.

And to round out the readings, we have a fantastic thread from Dickie Bush on 6 dead-simple tips to level up your online writing.

Powerful stuff.

As always, thanks so much for giving us this precious real estate in your inbox.

We appreciate you!



Shopify Update Copywriting Tips Content

Triple Whale - eCommerce Operating System

Triple Whale centralizes the metrics from all the tools you use, right into your pocket. We simplify, inform & save you time!  •  Share

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🎉 Whale Roadshow

It’s safe to say the inaugural Whale Roadshow in NYC was a success.

The combination of DTC powerhouse + good vibes in one room was unmatched…

Huge thank you to everyone who stopped by!

See you at the next one?

Shopify Update Copywriting Tips Content

🎙️You're Not Your ROAS

Shopify Update Copywriting Tips Content
How To Build A Management Team That Doesn't Suck W/ Sean McGinnis

EP 35 - Sean McGinnis On Leadership Strategies For Ecommerce Operators

Sean McGinnis is President & Integrator at KURU Footwear - and he’s a wealth of knowledge, given his 13+ years of experience in ecommerce.

You’ll love this episode!  •  Share

👩🏻‍💻 What We Are Reading?

🎧 What We Are Listening To?

EP 21: Aztec’s Jon Wu Joins Zach’s Crypto Debate, Plus the Celsius Disaster & Crypto as Bird Talons - Cartoon Avatars | Podcast on Spotify

In the 21st episode Aztec’s Jon Wu joins to continue the Crypto Debate with Zach Weinberg.

Plus the trainwreck of Celsius, the future of the metaverse, and how crypto is described as a jetpack but is actually a bird grabbing your head with its talons and flying you around.  •  Share

🤯 Fact of the Week

🧰 Tool of the Week

Convert your audience without friction | Novel

Novel is an interactive digital platform that provides creators with the tools to convert viewers across sales & eCommerce, marketing, training & education, and community engagement.  •  Share

🦸🏼‍♀️ Tip of the Week

© Triple Whale Inc.
266 N 5th Street, Columbus OH 43209