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Patrick ODriscoll


Learn how Patrick uses Triple Whale to enable effective communication around the impact of his team’s marketing efforts.


(00:00) Hey, it's Patrick O’Driscoll from The Visionary Group and VZN Nutrition. I have been using Triple Whale on many of my client accounts to help portray all the hard work that we are doing on the back end. So when you're spending on channels like Facebook, and TikTok, it's hard to see the aggregate of data and see where all your purchases are coming from.

(00:18) I love the custom dashboard that Triple Whale has to really see a holistic view of all the marketing that's going on. When clients have high spends, it's tough to always communicate where everything's going and make sure that we're hitting our benchmarks and our. And Triple Whale has enabled my team to communicate that effectively as well as pick up some lost attribution that maybe the Facebook side doesn't pick up.

(00:40) So I've been using that on the client accounts and I love it. It's very easy to use. It makes my job easier in terms of communicating, and I'm going to be integrating it into my own e-commerce brands very soon because I think it's one of the best platforms out there and a must have for e-commerce brands looking to scale.

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