4 Rules Automations You Should Be Doing for Your Ecommerce Business

4 Rules Automations You Should Be Doing for Your Ecommerce Business

Last Updated:  
March 18, 2024

Rule 1: Performance Gate Scaling for Consolidated Accounts

If Blended CPA is < "X" over last 7 days then raise Facebook Budget by "Y" - do this Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at midnight

X = (Blended CPA target) - 5% to 10% (each advertiser can set this to a static benchmark) Y = 50% of X 

ie: if Target CPA is $50 and allowable variance is 10%, then the rule reads... If Blended CPA is < $45 over last 7 days then raise Facebook Budget by 5% - do this Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at midnight

Rule 2: Performance Gate Reduction for Consolidated Accounts

If Blended CPA is > "X" over last 7 days then lower Facebook Budget by "Y" - do this Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at midnight 

X = (Blended CPA target) - 5% to 10% (each advertiser can set this to a static benchmark) Y = 50% of X 

ie: if Target CPA is $50 and allowable variance is 10%, then the rule reads... If Blended CPA is > $55 over last 7 days then lower Facebook Budget by 5% - do this Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at midnight

Rule 3: Auto-Optimization Flywheel for Accounts with a Control Environment (Part 1)

If Ad CPA > "A" & spend is > "B" over last 7 days, turn ad off

A = Target Platform Specific CPA + 10%

B = Target Platform Specific CPA x Average Daily Conversions for Campaign

Rule 4: Auto-Optimization Flywheel for Accounts with a Control Environment (Part 2)

If Ad spend < "C" over last 7 days, turn ad on

C = B / 10

ie: if Target CPA is $50 and the campaign average 20 purchases a day then the rule reads... If Ad CPA is > $55 & spend is > $1000 over last 7 days then turn off ad 

If Ad Spend < $100 over last 7 days, turn ad on

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