Introducing Zero-Party Data With Triple Whale's New Post-Purchase Survey

Introducing Zero-Party Data With Triple Whale's New Post-Purchase Survey

Last Updated:  
March 18, 2024

Zero-Party Data

There is no silver bullet to attribution telling the perfect story; hence, we offer 5 attribution windows (First Click, Last Click, Linear, Triple Attribution, Triple Attribution + Views). The Post-Purchase Survey adds another great data point to better understand the customer journey and just which touchpoint stuck out the most to customers. Triple Whale's new Post-Purchase Survey gives you zero-party data. Zero-party data is a fancy way of saying -- customers are telling brands what the biggest influence to their purchase was. We can't wait for Triple Whalers to add zero party data to their attribution story, and visually see it in every customer journey when provided!

So you’re telling me customers can change their attribution source? What’s the point of the Triple Pixel? AU CONTRAIRE.

As the Triple Whale Post-Purchase Survey collects zero-party data (data explicitly provided by your customers) Triple Whale will use it to enrich your attribution. If we find that a customer's survey response differs from the journey we’ve captured from the Triple Pixel, we will display the Conversion Value of that order on the channel page that matches the customers response. However, if the customer’s survey response matches the channel/source the pixel attributed the order to, the post-purchase survey data will be displayed in the customer journey, but will not be used in attribution (i.e. orders are deduplicated for attribution purposes). Let’s dig into a few examples:

Example 1: Triple Pixel has attributed an order to Facebook via a link click from your Facebook ad AND the customer’s survey response = Facebook

  • Triple Pixel will display the single order and its corresponding conversion value in the pixel table, under the Facebook channel

Example 2: Triple Pixel has attributed an order to Facebook via a link click from your Facebook ad AND the customer’s survey response = TikTok

  • Using attribution model = Triple Attribution, this single order and its corresponding conversion value will be displayed under the Facebook channel AND the TikTok channel in your Pixel table

Example 3: Triple Pixel does not have any click data on the customer who placed the order, BUT the customer’s survey response = Facebook

  • We will display the order count and conversion value within the Facebook channel of your pixel dashboard under the “Triple Post Purchase Survey” row

Add Post-Purchase Survey To Your Ecommerce Store

Since Triple Whale is already connected to your Shopify store, set up for Post-Purchase Survey is a breeze. View Triple Whale's Knowledge Base to get a step-by-step on how to add Post-Purchase Survey to your store in a few minutes or get your post-purchase survey set up in minutes. Also, check out our full guide on first party data vs third party data to learn more.

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266 N 5th Street, Columbus OH 43209