Triple Pixel Overview
Introduction to Triple Pixel
Hey, everybody. Logan here from Triple Whale. Today we're going to go over the Triple Pixel and why this is important to your e-commerce business. So as we're looking at right now, the Pixel is essentially a server side tracking mechanism for tracking all the traffic that comes to your site. So with the Pixel, you're going to be able to know exactly where clicks came from and then what customers did once they came to your site.
This is very important for those who are advertising on channels like Facebook, where the click from Facebook and the event that happened on your site such as a purchase, those events are being lost due to Apple's iOS restrictions. With Triple Whale, we're not adherent to those types of restrictions, and therefore we can track everything that's happening on your site. When you get to the Pixel page, there we have predefined channel groupings on the left hand panel.

You'll see all ads, email and SMS, organic, influencers, and then customer journeys and your settings page. So we'll run through each and just let you know why you would want to use them and how they're useful for your day to day navigation. In the all page, you're going to see traffic from any source that Triple Whale picked up click through tracking on.
Source Tracking
So if a customer clicks from Facebook to your site, we'll track that under Facebook. If they came through an organic source like Google Search, we'll track that under organic and social and so on and so forth. This page is extremely useful because here you can see all traffic sources coming to your site and you can also understand how much conversion value Triple Whale was able to track for your business.

So let's walk through a couple of the ways that I would set this page up. First and foremost, I would almost always use the conversion value or orders column and sort in descending value. So you can see here that we can change orders to the lowest amount in ascending or the most in descending. And same with conversion value here, ascending and descending.
Attribution Models
We also have different attribution models that you can use from this dropdown at the top right corner. The default is Triple attribution. What Triple attribution means is that any source in which a click occurred before the purchase event, we will give 100% credit to that channel.

This is especially important when we start to look at paid channels, which we'll get to shortly. But it's worth noting that when you choose this dropdown, we also have a linear all attribution model. What this means is that any source that had a touchpoint in the purchase conversion will get distributed credit equally across all touchpoints.
So if one order for $100 had a touchpoint with Facebook and Google, we will give a half a credit, a half an order credit, 0.5 to each channel and $50 to each channel. This is the easiest way to see the exact amount of revenue that we tracked for your business. So let's choose linear all. And we'll see here that we tracked $9,210 for this day range.

If we were to go back to Triple attribution just as a comparison, you'll see this changes to 16,028. So this is the difference in giving full credit to every channel that had touchpoint and equal distribution of credit to all channels that had touchpoint. So it's very important to understand that. Let's dig into the ads.
This is probably the most important to you as this is where your dollars are going and you want to spend as efficiently and as effectively as possible. So we'll click into our ads. And the first thing we want to do is choose this dropdown and look at all channels. So what's included in all channels for Triple Whale are channels that we directly integrate with.
Pixel Deep Dive
You'll see here Facebook, Google, Pinterest, Snapchat and TikTok. And at the speed we're moving at, you'll probably see five more by the time this video is published. So stay tuned. On this page specifically, we want to look at how much revenue and the ROAS that Triple Pixel has picked up for you. The Triple Pixel is essentially a camera system that tracks customers coming in.

And the biggest reason why the Triple Pixel is important versus Google Analytics or your own Facebook reporting is that we're able to get more granular on the customers that are coming in and we can also pair customer journeys together. So if one user were to come in through their mobile phone and then later come in through their desktop computer, there's a high likelihood that our camera can put those two together as one customer and one cohesive journey.
Orders Overlap
A couple of the very important columns that you can select here by choosing the column selector in the top right hand corner would be orders overlap. The reason order overlap is extremely important to us here at Triple Whale is this shows you how many orders that we tracked have also had a touchpoint with another channel that's also listed.

So you can see here that just from today orders that we attributed to Facebook ads have a 21% overlap. That means 20 out of the 96 orders that we tracked have touched another channel. Some of those make a lot of sense, like Klaviyo. People came from Facebook, they signed up for your 20% offer and then click through from their welcome series to make a purchase. And that makes a lot of sense.
But there's others like Google. You could see here 7% of your transactions actually went from Facebook paid to Google paid. So that might be really important to understand how much money are you spending to acquire a customer on Facebook, and how much additional revenue do you have to spend to acquire that same customer on Google, and what campaigns are driving that revenue, which we'll look at further in just a bit.
Channel Deep Dive
So now that we've got orders overlap down, let's go into specific channels here and review some of this data. So as we move into Facebook, there are a few things that we have listed here that I want to cover. First, let's go ahead and use our descending order for conversion value to see our top performing campaigns.

You'll see here that we have Facebook ROAS selected, Google Analytics ROAS and Pixel ROAS, which is notated by our sweet little cube icon that moves, which is fun. Then we have our Pixel orders. Everything's denoted or notated as a Pixel order by having the floppy disk. So the floppy disk icon will show you anything that's Pixel data related.
And then Pixel conversion revenue, conversion value and Pixel CPA, Pixel visitors, Pixel cost per visitors, and then new visitors. So the first thing you want to do is look at your campaigns holistically. How are your campaigns performing on Facebook compared to Triple Whale? So as you can see here, Facebook's giving a 1.7 ROAS here, a 0.47 ROAS here, and a 2.4 on this campaign.
Discrepancies & Disparities
Now it's good to look at the largest discrepancies here or disparities between what the Pixel captured and what Facebook captured. So as you can see, 2.4 and a 0.96 are pretty far off. This might be a campaign where you'd want to investigate a little further. By clicking the campaign dropdown, we can now see all the ad sets that are within that campaign.

You can see here that Triple Whale is, or Triple Whale and Facebook are giving credit to these two ad sets here. One of which is pretty close to what Facebook is promising, but the other is very far off, 2.46 versus 0.65. So on a click basis, you may consider shutting this ad set off to push spend into your Jody ad ad set that's listed here on the fourth line down.
But a lot of your spend is actually going into the Hailey ad set, which might be a different audience targeting altogether. So shutting that off and actually going towards the click data, which is showing a 2.8 ROAS, you can force Facebook's hand to push your spend to the Jody ad set and actually make more efficient decisions on your ad spend.
Ads, Ad Sets, & Attribution Models
So that's one way to go about using Triple Whale data and comparing it to the platform data to make your decisions. Digging a little further here, you can actually drop down any of these ad sets to see the ads that are within them to understand how each ad is performing, both on a conversions and conversion value and ROAS standpoint.

So similarly to how we would do ad set review, you can do the same on your ads in this table view and understand where is Facebook giving the credit, where is Triple Whale giving the credit and where do I feel like I can make changes that fit the mold of what the Pixel is picking up on. And that's where you can make a couple of decisions here and turn ads off or scale ads up as you see fit.
All right, so the next thing is choosing date ranges, model date and attribution model. So as you use this dropdown, we have predefined date filters, last seven, last 30, last 90. Most of the time our customers are using last seven and last 30. Last seven days is going to give you a really good picture of what's happening right now.
If you have a much longer buying period, let's say you're selling furniture, customers are giving your brand a look at a longer period of time and they're making decisions maybe 21 days, 30 days, 45 days before actually making a purchase, you may want to expand that window a bit just to understand the difference between click date and event date, the time they clicked on the ad and the time the purchase actually happened.

And we can show you the modeling here in just a moment to define those two actions. So right now we're going to choose the last seven days. For this brand specifically, the buying timeline is more three to four days. So we know that within seven days, the money that we're spending is directly correlated to the conversion value that we should expect.
Using Data to Make Better Decisions
So this means that we can make informed decisions on where we want to spend our money based on the conversion value that Triple Pixel is able to pick up. Event date here, just to be clear, is speaking directly about the purchase. Click date is describing the click that happened on the ad per the platform.
So if I were to change this from event date to click date, you can actually see how the orders change based on the time period that I've selected. So if we were to look at the conversion value of 54,000 on click date within the last seven days and the conversion value on a event date, you can see there's about $5,000 in which the purchase happened in the last seven days, but the click did not.

That means there are $5,000 in purchases in which the click and purchase happen outside of the seven day range that we have selected. So this may mean if you're thinking about total ROAS and when you're going to make decisions on shutting ads off, you know that a small percentage, say around 10% of your revenue, will take longer than seven days to be realized.
So this may make a difference in how you decide to turn something off or keep it running for just a few more days to see if that revenue comes in at a later time. Now looking at attribution models, which we did earlier, you can look at last click, which simply means the last click before the purchase happened on one of these ads, campaigns or ad sets.
First click means it was the first click in the customer's journey to purchase. The reason this would be really important for you is let's say that you're using Facebook as mainly a prospecting mechanism, you're trying to go out and find new customers.
It may be that Facebook is a great way for customers to find out about your brand, but it may not be the only touchpoint in getting to the end result, which is a purchase. So on first click, you can actually understand how much revenue came from customers who clicked on Facebook first, but then may have gone through another channel or not.
So that, I would say look at your prospecting campaigns here and understand the difference between first click, last click, and then Triple attribution, which is going to give credit to that purchase regardless of whether it became last, first or somewhere in the middle. And then looking at linear attribution, linear paid in this aspect, this is where your credit is going to get distributed.
So if you had a lot of customers that clicked on Facebook and then Pinterest, you may see a lower amount of conversion value on linear when looking just at Facebook because some of that conversion value is also being given over to Pinterest since it had a touchpoint in the customer's journey. All right, now let's head to some of the other channel groupings within the Pixel page.
Channel Groupings, Campaigns, & UTMs
First we're going to head to our email and SMS.
Here you can see our pre-built integrations with popular email and SMS tools such as Klaviyo, Attentive, Postscript, and MailChimp. Here again, we're going to sort the column of conversion value so we can see in descending order which channels are bringing the most conversion value to the business.

The next thing we want to look at is things like Postscript and Klaviyo to truly understand how much revenue each are bringing. This is a great opportunity for you to open your Postscript app on your computer and look between Triple Whale and Postscript, Triple Whale and Klaviyo and really understand what is the platform reporting to you versus what is Triple Whale.
And again, remember Triple Whale's only tracking click based attribution. So if the customer opens an email or opens an SMS message but does not click, we won't be giving attribution credit to that for the order placed. So as we dig further, we're going to get into Klaviyo. And here we have all of your campaigns and flows organized.

As long as you're using UTM source equals Klaviyo and you have your campaigns set as campaign name or flow name, we are going to display those here in the campaign column. Again, we can make sure that our conversion value column is sorted in descending order and change our date range at any point in time.
So here we can really find out, all right, what flows this week, what flows last week, what campaigns are truly driving revenue to our business? And then you can compare that directly to the platform itself to understand what they're reporting on each of those as well. But this gives you a really clean, concise view of what's happening.
Organic vs. Paid vs. Referral
All right, next we're going to look at organic. Now organic means that we did not pick up a click from a paid source. So this can mean the customer Googled your brand and then clicked on an organic search term to come to your site. We typically get a refer to the server that says refer equals google.com, facebook.com, instagram.com.

When we don't have UTM sources to also put these things together, we automatically default to organic and social. So here you can see if I sort the conversion value column, I can see that Google, Facebook, TikTok, Instagram are all driving significant revenue and clicks and conversions organically. So this typically happens when customers are clicking on the LinkedIn bio to find out more about your business.
You can also see that you have customers coming from RetailMeNot, these folks are looking for discount codes and coming to your site. Do you have discount codes on RetailMeNot that you would maybe prefer are not out there? It's a great opportunity for you to go to RetailMeNot, find out what discount codes are being used and then cut those off if you no longer want them active.
Moving on to influencers. In our UTM builder page, which we'll cover in a later segment, this will give you the, all the tools you need to track influencers and affiliates. The easiest way to think about this is if you have an existing influencer tracking platform. We're going to be pulling in the campaign ID that that influencer platform has associated with all of your influencers.

So as you can see here, each of these influencers have an ID associated with them such as 122858. So this brand is specifically using an influencer management platform that is assigned that influencer name this ID, and they can easily open both platforms and just check to see who belongs to which ID. If you're not using an existing platform, we have one coming for you.
So stay tuned for more information on our influencer dashboard. But we also have the easy ability to set up UTMs to track your influencers and or affiliates. Let's say you've set up a deal with a great website that you know your perspective customers visit often.
Using UTMs
What you can do is set up a UTM structure such as UTM source equals affiliate, and then UTM campaign equals website name and any conversions and traffic that we get from that website will be populated here on our influencers and affiliate page. And each campaign will be the UTM campaign parameter you set.
So you can easily see how much conversion value was being brought by that website. And so if you've set up a campaign through them, and let's say you're spending $5,000 on an ongoing website traffic campaign, it might be very important to also pull in your orders overlap column and understand how many of these orders from those influencers going back to our all page, were coming from that website and another source.
So let's use just an example. Let's pretend that Sezzle was our affiliate. We could actually see here that five orders, 45% of them, five out of the 11 actually came from other sources as well, like Pepperjam, Postscript, Facebook. So if you're setting up a deal with a third party affiliate, it might be really important to understand how many true new customers are coming to your site and converting versus assisting from other channels that you may be already advertising on.
So this is just a great way to kind of blend all these things together and truly understand what is driving your new customer acquisition. I hope this was helpful and we're always available if you need more help in deriving value from your Pixel page. Thanks so much. Talk soon.