Hosted By

Rabah Rahil
CMO at Triple Whale


Bari Rosenstein
Social Media Manager

How Bari Rosenstein Runs The BEST Organic Marketing for Brands

In this episode, we sit down with the Queen of Pretzels Bari Rosenstein, and discuss how she runs some of the most effective organic ads we have ever seen. #You'reNotYourRoas

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Bari Rosenstein (00:00:00):

Going through that, you know, lacrosse was my passion. I wanted to be an all American. I wanted to be the best of the best. Having that surgery, you know, completely crushed my dreams. But I, you could either go one way of, you know, keep going forward and being positive or crying about it every single day. And I did not wanna waste my energy crying about it every day.

Rabah Rahil (00:00:26):

All right, folks, we're back for another row as, and I am so excited when I saw this on the calendar. I have been stalking your Instagram and Twitters for quite a while now. Um, you have a Barry's looks, which I'm very into, where you, you, you're very bit of a fashionista. Um, but very Barry Rosenstein. Did I hit it? Did I hit it? I did

Bari Rosenstein (00:00:46):

It get right. Yeah. You got it. Yeah.

Rabah Rahil (00:00:47):

Amazing, amazing. Um, thank you for coming on this show. You are the woman behind all of the Jamba and Auntie Ann's is, or auntie?

Bari Rosenstein (00:00:59):

It's auntie. Don't get me started. Oh my gosh. Let's keep it, not let's start off. Don't even

Rabah Rahil (00:01:05):

Go down that quick. Okay. Okay.

Bari Rosenstein (00:01:07):

Yeah. You got my name right? You got Auntie Ann Ray. Let's, let's keep it rolling.

Rabah Rahil (00:01:10):

I'm taking in and running. I'm taking it running. Um, Barry, thank you so much for coming on the show. So as always, I am in the Austin, Texas hq. Where does this podcast find you today?

Bari Rosenstein (00:01:19):

I am in Atlanta, Georgia.

Rabah Rahil (00:01:21):

Ooh, Hot Atlanta. Amazing. Yeah, hot Atlanta. Um, I actually heard very good things about this city. The, our head of finance is actually out of Atlanta. Um, have you, you haven't been there your whole life though, right? You went to school in pa you're telling me you did some lacrosse there and so gimme some background.

Bari Rosenstein (00:01:36):

Yeah. So born on bred in Baltimore, Maryland. Go Ravens. Um,

Rabah Rahil (00:01:42):

The Wire also a credible

Bari Rosenstein (00:01:43):

Show. Yeah, The Wire. Um, yeah, so, um, I grew up right outside of the city and then I went to college at a small liberal arts college called Elizabethtown College, right. In Amish town. Um, and I studied corporate communications. Graduated in 2014 when social was just becoming a career, um mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And then after college I moved back to Baltimore, did some work at two different agencies in the city. And then I moved to DC to work for the Coca-Cola company, where I led Social for Honesty. And then eventually, um, Zco Coconut Water and Costa Coffee. And then Oh, cool. Yeah. And then, um,

Rabah Rahil (00:02:27):

Honest Tea got got though, right? R i p he

Bari Rosenstein (00:02:30):

Got got, But they are, there's some work happening, the Seth book. Oh, oh,

Rabah Rahil (00:02:34):


Bari Rosenstein (00:02:35):

Amazing. Really excited about what he's working on. Love Seth. And, um, they decided to close the tea office in DC and they offered to relocate me to Atlanta and I said, Why the heck not? And, um, best decision of my life. And so I worked for, um, Koch for about another year in Atlanta, and then I joined Focus Brands to lead social for Anti Anns last year in 2021. Feels like forever though. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Um, and then this past December there was, um, some shuffling in the organization and I got, I guess promoted to, um, lead social for Anti and Jamba. And now I'm a people manager, so managing my wonderful specialist. Her name is Ken Mackenzie, and we are the two brains behind Anti and Jamba.

Rabah Rahil (00:03:29):

Amazing. What a great story. So fun. How do you like Atlanta? What's your

Bari Rosenstein (00:03:33):

Favorite part of Atlanta? I love Atlanta. Oh my goodness. I literally, like, my dream was to move to New York City, work in fashion, do social for fashion, and then I got a taste of food and beverage and my, another world opened, and I love it so much, obviously. And Atlanta's great. Like you, you get city, you get suburbia, you get trees, you get literally everything, and it's growing at a rapid pace. So I'm really excited to see, you know, how the city keeps evolving. A bunch of brands are moving down here, so, um, I love it. I can see myself literally living here forever. So, um, we love to see that.

Rabah Rahil (00:04:14):

Yeah. And speaking of forever, you are recently engaged, right?

Bari Rosenstein (00:04:18):

I sure am. Um, it has been beautiful

Rabah Rahil (00:04:22):

Ring, probably the best hair on the internet. <laugh>,

Bari Rosenstein (00:04:24):

Joseph Penn. Yeah. Tip, His name is Tip, um, t i p P as in pencil. Um, yeah, he has great hair. And, um, it's been about like two months, and we're getting married next year in August of 2023 in Vermont, so very Oh, wow. Ended

Rabah Rahil (00:04:41):

Up that, that Vermont's beautiful. Yeah, Vermont's beautiful. He also has probably one of the best, uh, Instagram handles I've ever seen in my life. Just the tip, my,

Bari Rosenstein (00:04:48):

I cannot believe you're plugging this. We're we're not making it about his Instagram handle. Okay.

Rabah Rahil (00:04:53):

We're not making, Oh, amazing. So what made you get into, like, so you started, you did your social stuff, like you're incredible on TikTok, you're incredible on, like, how do you think of social? Like how did you spin up from, like, the one thing is you are super bubbly, so it's probably very, uh, easy to transition that to a digital, but like, is there any, like, books you read, frameworks you did, or like you're just so far ahead, especially how like young you are in your career, Like you were just at, uh, uh, main stage in that Sprout conference. Right.

Bari Rosenstein (00:05:33):

Well, it, so I spoke at Social Fresh, but I was also doing a TikTok boot camp with Sprout, but

Rabah Rahil (00:05:39):

That's what it was. Yeah. Social, fresh. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Bari Rosenstein (00:05:42):

Been like all happening really fast. But I can kind of give you how I started in social. So like I said, I went to college. I, um, went to college from 2010 to 2014, so that's when social was really becoming a career. And I was the girl in college. I had a droid, I had a droid, and the camera on the droid was amazing. I was the, I single handedly documented all of my friends' college career on my phone. Like I was the one uploading my m uploads, my mobile uploads onto Facebook every single night, every single weekend when Facebook only allowed 60 photos in an album. And I remember, so like I mentioned before, I throw my ACL three times in college, so I had a lot of downtime. And I remember in my freshman dorm room when I was stuck in my bed with my jacked up knee thinking, I wanna do this as a career.


Like, I wanna see if there are social media internships. Um, and there was something in Baltimore, there was an internship, a visual communications person for the Maryland Zoo in Baltimore. I applied, they hired me, and I worked that internship for a month before I got knee surgery. And my claim to fame is that I started the Maryland Zoo in Baltimore's Instagram. So it was slowly becoming a job and a career. And so it was, I, you know, once I'm committed to doing something, I go 1000% in. And all I wanted to do was work at an agency. That is all I wanted to do. So all throughout college, I got, um, internships at agencies, and I moved to New York for summer, and I worked at, um, an, uh, Baltimore based agency called Emory. I worked as an intern for another agency in Baltimore called mgh.


And, um, right out of college, I joined an agency called Mariner Marketing, and it was a B2B agency. Um, so I really just hustled my way into creating opportunities for myself. And I feel like that's like, the story of my career is that, you know, you can't teach passion and you can't teach just the willingness to do whatever it takes. And, um, I think, you know, when I tore my ACL a hundred times, like that is something that really instilled into my brain is like, you, you gotta keep going forward and you gotta keep pushing and you have to be super positive about everything. And, um, going through that, you know, lacrosse was my passion. I wanted to be an all American. I wanted to be the best of the best. And, um, you know, having that surgery, you know, completely crushed my dreams. But I, you could either go one way of, you know, keep going forward and being positive or crying about it every single day.


And I did not wanna waste my energy crying about it every day. So I think that kind of like experience of my lacrosse streams kind of flushing down the toilet really, like, changed my perspective on life. I know this is gonna sound so like cringe, but like, it made me into such a positive person. And you have to believe that everything happens for a reason. And that, you know, you are thrown all these obstacles for a reason and you just, it's how you react to them is what really kind of moves you forward. And for me, it was like, I'm gonna get better. I'm gonna keep going forward. I'm not gonna cry about it. I'm not gonna ask why me, why me? And I've just really instilled that mindset into every aspect of my life. Um, so that is kind of how this positive, bubbly attitude and personality, I think, you know, I've always been the life of the party.


I've always been the loud one. I've always, you know, created humor in serious situations. So I, um, I think it's just a mix of all of those things that have kind of brought me to this, you know, spot in my career. And, um, yeah, I mean, in terms of reading books, your girl does not read books. She's trying to, But I think, um, for me it's being a user, you know, when yeah, people ask me on interviews like, How do you like stay up to trends? Like, what do you read? I'm like, I'm a user. Like I not only do it for your, my job, but like, I love being on TikTok. I love being on Instagram, I love being on Twitter. Like, you really have to understand as user how these platforms work, but also like what content people wanna see or what do you wanna see? And that's something that I ask myself, me and Ken, my specialist all the time. Like, what do people wanna see in our feeds? And so, um, that's kind of how I got here. <laugh>. Long winded answer.

Rabah Rahil (00:10:32):

No, what a good rant. I'm all pumped up, baby. I'm

Bari Rosenstein (00:10:34):

Ready. Yeah, I'm ready. Positivity that just trust the process. Like I really, truly believe everything happens for a reason. Doors close for a reason and doors open for a reason. And, um, in literally all aspects of life and dating in career in mm-hmm. Just everything. So, um, yeah, that's what I believe.

Rabah Rahil (00:10:54):

What a beautiful outlook. I'm very much of that same, uh, thoughts thought process as well, because there might not be a, everything happens for a reason, but it's just so psychically, psychologically advantaged to think that way where it's just like, smile, move on and let's make the world a better place one day at a time. And that's kind of, yeah, the old line of like, the beauty of the is it only comes one day at a time. And so you don't have to get crushed by like looking out like, I'm never gonna play lacrosse again or what have you. Like, that's such a really amazing, And so I read a lot of business, uh, your boy over here does read books, <laugh>, uh, and I read a lot of business memoirs and um, that's the number one thing. It's not intelligent. It's not, I mean, some of it is luck, some of it is timing. Yeah. But the number one thing is perseverance, where people just have this un airing belief in themself and they're like, Hey, I'm gonna get there. I don't know how I just one step after the other, one foot after the other. And that's really incredible.

Bari Rosenstein (00:11:50):

Yeah. And like, you're, you're only, you are your number one, and when you put yourself first, you really open doors for yourself. And, um, I think timing is everything and timing isn't, you know, it might not happen now, but it can happen. So I really do believe all that stuff and that's kind of what keeps me going. And um, yeah, I mean, time is a very weird thing and moments happen when you least expect it. So, um, I'm just embracing it and keep, you know, keep the passion alive and you know, continuing to just be creative and have fun, which I think is also very important. And you know, I don't feel like I'm going to work every day, you know, when I'm doing all this fun stuff that I've created for myself, the brands that I work for and the people around me. It's just constantly just being happy.


And, you know, everyone has off days. I have off days where, you know, I just wanna lay in bed or I don't feel like going to work, but, you know, it's life. And, um, I think one thing that the pandemic has taught me is that like, I don't live to work. I work to live. And that is one thing that I'm trying to embrace more. You know, as I'm getting older and, you know, as these life moments are happening, like it's okay to, to take a break. It's okay to sign off and I'm not a brain surgeon. I literally post pictures of smoothies and pretzels every day. Like, it's okay

Speaker 3 (00:13:23):

<laugh> to

Bari Rosenstein (00:13:24):

Take a break and we're not, you know, the president of the United States, you know, so that's something that I wanna make sure, you know, work life balance is definitely become something that I'm pretty passionate about and really just not burning out and, and, um, just keeping that passion alive for sure.

Rabah Rahil (00:13:44):

Yeah. So that's actually really interesting because that's something that I've been really struggling with. Uh, it's a little, little harder early stage startup than it is more established companies. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, but that's something. So our head of social kind of butts up against that as well, cuz he loves all that stuff. Um, but how do you moderate, cuz some of the things in terms of being that user, um, it can become taxing, right? Where it's like you're always on, you're looking at the next meme or you're trying to figure out what the next trend is or blah blah blah. So is that what the P'S for? Is that where you're CrossFit for, Like what do you, how do you make sure that you put that into balance? Cuz you're, you're pervasive, like yeah, anti Ann's account is amazing. John was the same. Like you've, you've hit some home runs on there and so is that, is it more of just like, trust the process and I'm just gonna kind of run that process? Or is it because you're so in depth in these platforms that you can kind of see where the puck is going?

Bari Rosenstein (00:14:43):

Um, I have a couple of answers. So in terms of like being a user, if you are constantly looking for the next idea, that's tiring versus just mindlessly scrolling and like cultivating, like my feed is all nail inspiration, it's cooking, it's outfit ideas and I make sure that my feed is what I wanna see. It's not social media stuff, it's not work related at all. Like, it's about things that I'm actually interested in. And I keep it that way because when you're con like when I have to find a song for TikTok, I'm like going through like, this is so annoying. Like 15 minutes has passed and I haven't found a song that I like that's annoying that I can see why people are like, Oh I hate this. Versus just like going on TikTok to check out wedding talk and get inspiration for the wedding that I'm planning.


Like you really have to cultivate a space on the internet for you that is for you, not for your job or you know, things like that. So I keep that real. That's something that I really focus on is when I'm on social, when I'm on Twitter, when I'm on Instagram or TikTok, I'm getting content that brings me joy versus work stuff and versus all that kind of noise. Um, because then the trends come and then you are like, oh, like this is a good idea for anti, let me save that or mm, this song would sound really good with that Jamba content we just shot. Let me save that. So I think that's really important, um, when you're constantly using social from your nine to five and then you use it constantly from your five to nine. So just really cultivating an area on the internet that's for you, for your passions and what you're interested in. Um, what was the second question?

Rabah Rahil (00:16:37):

<laugh>? I don't remember. You took me Instagram

Bari Rosenstein (00:16:39):

Either, but that, that's like my whole thing

Rabah Rahil (00:16:40):

Is like No, no, no, that's really helpful.

Bari Rosenstein (00:16:42):

Yeah, that's kind of what, how I use my personal social is, you know, I'm not posting about, you know, how to do TikTok on my personal Instagram. Like it's not about that I'm not, you know, if you wanna ask me questions on how to TikTok, I can answer them for you, but I'm posting pictures of my outfits, I'm posting Instagram stories of you know, what I'm doing on the weekends. Like I'm not here, you know, that's what I like to do and that's what I'm gonna do.

Rabah Rahil (00:17:13):

Your, in your Instagram is heat people. It's so much fun. Um, do you have any forcing functions to make you not work? Like do you have anything where it's like, this is me and tip time or this is Barry time or like, is there, Cuz that's something that I've been struggling with where we've finally got an office. So we've had an office now for four or five months now, which is great because I was working at home when I first started at Triple and I just found myself just basically like endlessly working especially. So we have a team in Israel, which is like eight hours ahead of us and then my bosses are in Eastern time and I'm in central and so I'll just wake up to this deluge of messages and stuff like that. Yeah. So I've been trying to figure out how, and so now when I go home I don't do a good job of it, but I'm supposed, it's like, that's my forcing function of like, hey, I'm home spending time, my fiance, I'm doing rob time. Do you have any of those things or do you kind of, does it all merge together or how do you, cuz it sounds like you're pretty, I mean, one, you're super spunky, super happy and super healthy, so it's like how, how does that manifest?

Bari Rosenstein (00:18:23):

Yeah, I definitely prioritize going to the gym, doing things that I like, getting my nails done, um, stepping outside, getting sunlight. I, like I said, work life balance is really important for me nowadays. So, you know, yes, going to the gym in the morning before I go to work is really important. But also I think now as a people manager, you know, setting those expectations of God, like not answering emails at 9:00 PM unless I have to, unless like we're dealing with an influencer program where I have to, you know, get a piece of content approved ASAP or you know, we're on, they're on west coast, we're on east coast, so like figuring that out. But I really think like it's so easy to answer emails from your phone, um, especially with the pandemic, like I'm home right now. Um, we go into the office two times a week, um, but still, like social never sleeps.


But, um, we post talks at night, but it's like, that's not super hard for us anymore, so. Got it. It's not that tack time taxing, but, um, I think, you know, setting an example when I, like when I went to France for my vacation this summer, I deleted teams off my phone. I deleted Outlook off my phone because I needed to not worry about work. Like I said in the beginning, we're not brain surgeons, we post pictures of pretzels and suny so it's okay to sign off and as a people manager, I want to set that precedent that take a vacation, take time off. Like, Ken, my specialist is buying a house and is closing next week. Like, take time off to get your life together. Like it's okay. And I think that's really important is we are not living to work, we're working to live, so we have to live like you only live once.


So, um, I think that's kind of how I balance working and yes, in my online all the time, literally, yes. But it's, I'm not just immersing myself in, you know, Annie Ann's Instagram and curating that feed, you know, I'm like doing it because I love it so much. But, you know, I also am trying to read more books. I'm trying to become a book girl, like shout out Colleen Hoover, love her, been reading her book. So really trying to be more aware of what I'm doing and how I'm spending my free time, um, by doing things that I love. So hopefully you can cur, um, carve out some time to do some working out and to not answering emails at nine because it's not probably not that important.

Rabah Rahil (00:21:00):

Oh my gosh, you're such a inspiration. Barry boss Barry sounds like a great person to work for too. Amazing <laugh>. Um, let's round out the first segment with one last question. Yeah. What's the nicest thing somebody's ever done for you?

Bari Rosenstein (00:21:14):

Hmm, that was a really good question. Um, I wouldn't need more time to think about that.

Rabah Rahil (00:21:24):

Okay. We can come

Bari Rosenstein (00:21:25):

Back, but I can answer. I mean, tip my fiance, you know, propose to me on a boat in France, I think that probably is one of the best things anyone has ever done for me is it was beautiful. They, they wanna live their life with me for the rest of their life. So I'm gonna give it up to tip, we can make this answer about him. <laugh>

Rabah Rahil (00:21:44):

Powerful. Uh, did you expect it?

Bari Rosenstein (00:21:47):

I had some ideas. Yeah. Um, it

Rabah Rahil (00:21:52):

Was like, it might have happened on the trip, but you didn't know when kind

Bari Rosenstein (00:21:55):

Of Yeah, yeah. Like we had two trips planned the summer France, and then my family vacation and I was like, it could happen either one.

Rabah Rahil (00:22:01):

Oh wow.

Bari Rosenstein (00:22:02):


Rabah Rahil (00:22:02):

Congrats again. Thank you. Okay, let's get into the value add segment. This is why the people bought the ticket. So you are running social for two pretty big brands and they're, they're kind of same, same but different in terms of business model, um, but in terms of vibe, they're a little different, right? Yeah. And so take me through how you kind of strategize for building content for both. Cuz they're, they're pretty big lifts and you, you're, like I said, incredibly just the output that you produce is, is really mind boggling. And not only the output, but the quality. Um, like again, if you go to either the TikTok or the Instagrams of either they're, they're incredible. And so how do you come up with these things? What is, what does that strategy session look like? How does it go from idea to post to copy or just give some people some color there.

Bari Rosenstein (00:22:52):

Yeah, of course. Thank you so much for, for those kind words. So, um, so for anti Ann, um, when I took the job last year, I did not know the fandom that was anti Ann. Like, it was something that literally blew my mind that this pretzel brand has so many fricking fans, but when you think about it, everyone that's traveling, everyone that goes to the mall is like, millions and millions of people interact with this brand every single day. So when you think about how many people that is, you really have to think about, you know, like how many people you're talking to, right? Um, when I started Annie is going, was going through a little bit of a rebrand, like a a a, we were calling it like a new vis type thing. So we, you know, for, for Ant I'll speak about an Ann first, it was very much like turning it from nostalgia to nostalgia.


Like nostalgia is back in That's a, a good line. Yeah. I'm not gonna take credit. I did not come with it. Shout that's a Danica Brown, the director of brand for Ant. Um, that's a good line. Yeah. So we're not, we have to step away from being a passive brand and to becoming a more relevant brand. So I'm like, okay, social media is where we become relevant again. So, um, I started tweeting every single day, posting on Instagram more, I mean, launching TikTok period. Um, and just really bringing, like, basically what we did was bring pretzels back, like back into the conversation, making pretzels part of the conversation, um, is like my one line answer to your question. Um, and literally just bringing pretzels into anytime someone talked about a pretzel, we were talking about it, any trend I made it into like a pre how did it, how can it revolve around a pretzel?


Um, and the thing about it is, is that when you go to an Nance, it's not just like you're getting like already made pretzel. Like you're seeing our crew members roll pretzels. You're seeing the action of baking raw dough and pulling it out and you can smell it and like this whole experience. And I was like, we need to turn that experience into something on the smaller screens. So that was kind of our, that's incredible thought process for content. And when our first TikTok went viral, it was a video of our crew members rolling the pretzels and I was like, Okay, that's what these, that's what TikTok wants to see. We were gonna give it to them. So we just nailed that right into the head and kept posting those same types of videos and it has worked. So there was a lot of testing and learning.


And another thing that I'm really thankful for, for Annie Ann's is we're part of culture. People talk about Annie Ann's organically and it goes viral. And, uh, anytime someone tweets about Annie Ends and a drive through or you know, Annies, this Annie going to the mall and only getting any ends, like it blows up. So, um, people use it for cloud, people use it to go viral. So we're really lucky that we're part of culture in that type of way because it makes our lives a lot easier. Sure. Um, to kind of bring those pretzels to life. Um, and then for Jamba, when I got my hands on that brand, there was a lot that needed to kind of be fixed and be, you know, kind of massaged. And for me, the content was the number one important thing that we needed to figure out because when you looked at the feed, it didn't feel like a brand account, right?


It just all over the place. There was no branding there, you had no idea what you were looking at. So for me, I wanted to bring Jamba branding and that brand to life first. So we, you know, redid all of our content shoots, we changed, we started tweeting every day. I had Ken Post on TikTok every single day for months. She still does it. So now we have a, we're starting to build a new community and um, for us it was really bringing that branding to life. So if you go to our feed now, the content is just screens Jamba and you know, we have all these colors to play with. You know, we have all of these different products, smoothies, bowls, matcha, coffee shots, like, not like alcoholic shots, but like wheat grass shots and stuff like that. Like we really needed to pump branding back into this brand and reestablish who we are in the smoothie category and wellness category.


So that was my number one, um, thing that I really needed to do when I got my hands in that brand is bring that branding to life. So yes, we pump out a lot of content and we have strategies for each, I guess platform element, like Instagram stories where we push, you know, all of our deals and our loyalty offers and things with links. Our feed is really about LTOs, but also that evergreen content memes. And I think right now for, there's an industry trend of creating this imperfect feed, whereas before it was very like politically pleasing. So we're moving into that. So posting are some of our talks on reels and really prioritizing reels because they do so well for both brands. And then for TikTok, Annie Ann's and John Bar completely different. Annie Ann's is about making the pretzels and just like, according to TikTok, cinnamon sugar's busting.


So anytime I post cinnamon sugar, anytime I post drive-throughs, anytime I post making of a petzel, I know that it's gonna do well Jon. But pure chaos, like, we get crazy, we get wild, we know that some, like when we pour things wrong, it's gonna cause chaos. When we tell people, No, we're not gonna give you free smoothies, it's gonna cause chaos. And I think the biggest thing for Jamba is that the wellness smoothie category is so saturated, so it's really hard to stick out where the pretzel category is anti ends. Like there's literally no one else. So that's where our minds are. It's like, how do we break through in the smoothie category when there's a bajillion, like smoothies are like an aesthetically pleasing thing to look at and blenders and stuff like that. So how do we turn our, you know, our brand into something like that? But with Annie Ann's, it's, we are the pretzel company. So that's the difference between the two. That's and what we think about. That's fascinating. Yeah, it's, it is fascinating.

Rabah Rahil (00:29:32):

The, I was actually floored by the fanaticism behind anti Anns too. So I, uh, I used to be a rat as well. I did when I was a kid, I worked in the mall and that, it was that in Cban, like those were kind of like the pillars of being in the mall, right? Like they were just, it was that. And so it was just incredible how you really took that to the next level. And I really love how you tested and then leaned into, I think that's something that people lose sometimes where they think that like you just fall kind of ask backwards into the success where it's like you've been pounding the pavement for a really long time and then you finally found something that had some really positive returns, so why not repeat that? And it sounds like that's really awesome. And then the Jamba stuff, I'm all a hundred percent on board with as well, where, um, there is a little bit more aesthetics to play with, right? Where cuz auntie's like basically white, brown and blue essentially. Maybe you play around with some sauces that'll give you some different color palettes, but jam's just this compendium of colors. Like, it's just gorgeous and like, there's all these fun things and to your point, there's a little bit more built in chaos because you're mixing ingredients. Whereas pretzels are like this kind of nice refined product to this, or raw ingredients to this refined product where Jamba is like making Yeah.

Bari Rosenstein (00:30:56):

Chaos. There's a whole process. Yeah,

Rabah Rahil (00:30:58):

That's interesting.

Bari Rosenstein (00:30:59):

And um, we have underground smoothies. I mean, like, our menu is so large, like we have so

Rabah Rahil (00:31:06):

Many Hold on. Underground smoothies. What is this like off menu?

Bari Rosenstein (00:31:10):

Yeah, we have off menu smoothies.

Rabah Rahil (00:31:11):

What are the best ones? I've never tried

Bari Rosenstein (00:31:13):

It off. You. There's so many. There's literally, So

Rabah Rahil (00:31:15):

What are your favorites? Give me two of your favorites.

Bari Rosenstein (00:31:17):

Um, recently we made a pina colada that was really yummy. And then we made like a peanut butter and jelly smoothie without any peanut butter or jelly <laugh>.

Rabah Rahil (00:31:28):

Was it good?

Bari Rosenstein (00:31:29):

It was so good. Yeah. Really. And so, yeah, and like there are people that go in and order like smoothies that are no longer on the menu because it's just their favorite. So yeah, it's, there's so much to talk about with Jamba. So we are really trying to prioritize, you know, what we're talking about, the new LTOs that are coming out and how do we keep it interesting.

Rabah Rahil (00:31:51):

What's an LTO

Bari Rosenstein (00:31:52):

Limited time offer? So, ooh, Pumpkin for example, Or amazing. Um, like our watermelon smoothie for the summertime, like that will just, that will stop, um, in August. So get it while time, while it's last. Yeah.

Rabah Rahil (00:32:09):

How do you tie this to business objectives? Like who do you roll up to? Or like what are your KPIs or like, how does that work?

Bari Rosenstein (00:32:18):

Great question. Um, so I report into, um, so my manager manages PR and social, but I also, yeah. So I also, you know, have very open conversations and meetings and stuff like that with the brands. Um, but for, for us, you know, success is bringing brand, like bringing these brands like into conversation, going viral, which I know I don't wanna, we can't promise anyone that we're gonna go viral, but we wanna create interesting content that gets engagement. Um, building our following, especially on TikTok is really important. So community building is something that we focus on, but we really focus on engagement and conversations and brand sentiment. Um, and I think there are a lot of things that we can't control, like store, um, crew members and experiences that people complain about or getting burnt pretzels or, you know, your smoothie isn't blended enough and things like that we can't control. But what we can control is community management, hugging our haters and, um,

Rabah Rahil (00:33:26):

Hug. That's another great line.

Bari Rosenstein (00:33:27):

You just, it's not mine, it's Jay Bear. It is Jay Bear. He coined that term, but I use it. Um, and really just making their experience with our social feed, it's positive. So we, you know, we do our monthly reporting. We pull our best performing content, we pull engagement, engagement rate, sentiment, community, you know, our followers. But we, for me, I wanna make entertaining content that people love and people can relate to and people share. And that's a great way to look at it, get excited. Um, one thing, big thing, you know, that I'm seeing from all the brands at Focus, but also just industry wide, is loyalty. So app, Yeah. Getting people to download our app and use it more than once a year. So that is a big push from the brand for us, is how do we get people to download the pre Perks app or download the Jamba Rewards app and, um, become a rewards member and get all these perks. So anytime when someone asks me for a pre free pretzel on social, I say download the app like we have for a Anns every Wednesday this summer we are doing a whole do days of summer campaign where um, yeah. So amazing. Is

Speaker 4 (00:34:37):

This you?

Speaker 5 (00:34:38):

What a great,

Bari Rosenstein (00:34:40):

I founded that one I co-founded

Speaker 4 (00:34:43):

So you can finally take credit for something. That's amazing.

Bari Rosenstein (00:34:46):

I can have take credit for this one, but you know, every Wednesday, you know, we do a loyalty campaign for Anti and for John, but we have bunch of loyalty offers, you know, $5 smoothies, half off your food order. So we're trying to push these, um, offers through Instagram stories, through TikTok, um, and things like that. But I mean, the app is really, really important to all the brands at Focus right now. Sure. So, um, that is one thing that we're trying to make interesting without it dealing like an ad or like just boring stuff that no one wants to engage with. So for me, long story short, I wanna create dope content, um, that does the work for us, that makes us relevant, gets engagement, builds community, um, just consistently month for month, year, year, blah, blah, blah.

Rabah Rahil (00:35:34):

That's incredible. Do you have any special like tools or platforms that you use to track or do you guys have like an internal thing that you use or just to use in-app stuff or how do you, how

Bari Rosenstein (00:35:43):

Do you track that stuff? We sprout, we use Sprout for everything.

Rabah Rahil (00:35:45):

Oh, powerful. Sprout Social. Yeah. Amazing. We use SPR as, yeah, it's good. Great, great stuff. Yeah. Yeah. Um, speaking of Sprout, you've been a bit on, uh, uh, speaking Tear a little bit, right? Yeah. You're, you're as sick as you right now. Everybody wants a little bit of Barry. How has that been? Have you presented in the past? Everybody that I've talked to said you crushed it. Um, what's, what are some kind of advice you give to people that are just getting into speaking or wanting to speak more or what have you? Um, because everybody I've talked to, like I said, has had very, very, uh, good reviews on your not only stage presence, but content.

Bari Rosenstein (00:36:20):

Oh, thank you. Um, I have no idea how I've become this TikTok expert, like, my whole little bit is that I literally never made a video at all before March, 2021. Like, I don't know how I've become this expert, it's just been, I've, it's been like my passion project, just figuring out TikTok. So, um, I think my biggest piece of advice is being yourself. Um, love it. Believe it or not, I, when I spoke at Social Fresh on my first ever like, stage speaking, it's a

Rabah Rahil (00:36:55):

Proper setup by the way I saw your

Bari Rosenstein (00:36:57):

Picture. Yeah. It was like big practice once I literally just went up there. Really? Yeah. It was wild. It was wild. Um, it was just, you, you talk about this stuff all day, every day. You're in it all day every day. Like, you, you know it, I know it, you know it, you talk on podcasts all the time. Like, you know what you're talking about, you know, what questions they ask. Like, um, just I think being confident, um, and being confident in the content, Being confident in yourself. And for me it's like, I'm talk, we're talking about TikTok, it's not that serious. Yeah. So I didn't want to speak to people like speaking at them. I wanted to relate to them and bring real life, um, scenarios. Like talking about like Abercrombie, you know, you wanted to get those high rise genes that were going viral, like, and just like really bringing relatable moments into the content.


Um, and I think I, I was just, I loved it so much and I, I've spoken to classes at Emory and just like, it's inspiring to, you know, hear people, other people that are passionate about what they do and about social. It's, it's definitely, you know, brings more fire, um, to me. And, um, everyone just wants to help everyone. And I think that's important. So, um, I think my number one takeaway from like speaking is just being you and being confident in that you know your stuff, but also being confident, um, in yourself that you can entertain. And it's all about entertaining. It's all about bringing something to the table and um, like having them have one takeaway is all that. Or just inspiring them because I am so passionate about what I do, um, and a passionate about everything. Um, just giving them that motivation to find that passion themselves, I think is important.

Rabah Rahil (00:38:53):

Yeah, that's beautiful. Where your passion is infectious. I love it. <laugh>. Um,

Bari Rosenstein (00:38:58):

And I promise I like this about everything in every aspect of my life. It's not your show, I promise. It's exhausting.

Rabah Rahil (00:39:05):

Oh, I, I know. I follow, don't I? I know you, you love it all. Um, nails, fashion, the whole thing.

Bari Rosenstein (00:39:12):

Everything. Yeah, go hundred percent all the time.

Rabah Rahil (00:39:16):

I would, I would argue 110, but yeah. <laugh>, um, the, so going back to kind of jambo antique, what's been like the best parts about running those socials and what's been some challenging parts?

Bari Rosenstein (00:39:28):

Yeah, I think the best part is creating content that people love and people talk about. Like, I posted a TikTok about a drive through for Anan and it like, I like press coverage. Like, that was really cool. <laugh>, That's good. Like, how does that happen? But I think one of the most rewarding things from Anan was I sent a, i, it was like literally like two months after I started this, um, her name is Katherine. She tweeted about an anti drive through and it went mega viral and we sent her to our grand opening for our first ever drive through in Wiley, Texas. And she, it was her first time traveling with her boyfriend at the time, and it was her first time like ever doing any, like, all expense paid trip. And that's cool. It was just so much fun to see her excitement and to, um, really give her this moment with a brand that she loves so much.


So that was amazing. Shout out to Catherine, She's amazing. Um, so that was a really fun moment for me. But also Cash App. We just did a cash app campaign. We were number one trending on Twitter all day for free. So, um, that was amazing. Um, for Jamba, I think I'm very passionate about content, I love content and I think, um, re um, what's the word, Relaunching this brand with this new aesthetic has been so fun for me. I love the aesthetic we're bringing. I love the feed. It just like excites me. It's so yummy and colorful. It makes you want to drink a Jamba. Like, I'm just like so excited that we've created this process internally that's been working, that's creating amazing content, but also seeing tennis shine. Um, running the TikTok, seeing her go viral, seeing her get that taste of like, Oh my God, I just created content that people are watching and sharing and it's catching wild like wildfire. I think that has been really rewarding for me. And just like bringing Jamba back to the conversation has been really fun.

Rabah Rahil (00:41:40):

That's amazing. Yeah. The, the neo aesthetic you guys have is really, um, really, really strong. Is there any challenging

Bari Rosenstein (00:41:47):

Moments? Let me, hold on. Let me tell you some of the not so fun things because we've been talking all those good stuff I was gonna tell you about

Rabah Rahil (00:41:53):

Or popping the positivity bubble. Hold on, hold on. Those seats people.

Bari Rosenstein (00:41:57):

Yeah. Um, for Jamba, I can start with Jamba. It's, I think the hardest part for that brand is that there's so much to talk about. Their menu is huge, It's overwhelming. I don't even know where to begin. So that's the hardest part for us is to really hone in on like Annie ans we talk about pretzels. It's easy. Yeah, Jambo, there's all of these different things, which is amazing, but it's hard for us to kind of hone in on these moments and not be so LTO focused. How do we create this story about our menu, about this brand in an evergreen way all year round, you know, 365 days a year, um, in the same tone and the same aesthetic. So that has been, um, the hardest thing for Jamba. And also just like figuring out what people wanna see from Jamba. I have no idea it, we're still testing and learning.


Like that's been the hardest part from a TikTok perspective, is what do people wanna see? We're still figuring that out. We know that they love Mango. Go go. We love that, we love that and we, you know, use that to our advantage, but there's more to that. So still figuring that out for any s same amount of content we need, it's creating content over and over and over again and re like what is the next reiteration of the content? What does it look like over and over again? Because we do run similar campaigns the over year, so how do we continue to make any ants interesting? How do we continue to create LTOs that are interesting for our consumers and not getting stale, no pun intended. So I think that is kind of our, um, not so easy parts of, of running those accounts.

Rabah Rahil (00:43:53):

Yeah. Well I mean, you're killing it. You're just killing, I I've never been more excited for pretzels. That's actually how I think I found you. Where, um, I was traveling a ton at the time and I just stumbled into your feeds and then I would just see like these lines outside of Anns at the airport, at the mall, all these people and uh, a hundred percent credit that to you. So I think that's cool. It's cool to bring the sexy back the Jamba cuz I think there's a lot there and there's actually a really interesting line. This is an investment guy that I follow, but I think it's actually pretty prescient for everyone right now, where your success will be determined now by what you choose to ignore. And I think that's like a really good line because right now I think we're in a place of so much abundance that like there's an old Russian proverb that the hunter that chases two ravage catch catches none.


And I think there's, there's a lot of wisdom to that. Yeah. Where I think being able to focus and understand kind of, um, what is gonna be, and again, that's probably the challenge with Jamba is there's just all this amazingness that you can say yes to and it's like, how do I distill that? Yeah. Into a fun, digestible, no pun intended package, um, for my users to help ignite this community and build kind of the, cuz it has a bit of a fandom too. It's just not like the fanaticism with Mama pretzel is crazy like that. That was something I did not exist.

Bari Rosenstein (00:45:17):

John's not everywhere. Fair for That's fair. That is also like, like Syon for example, they're in every single grocery aisle.

Rabah Rahil (00:45:27):


Bari Rosenstein (00:45:28):

How do you compete with that? Right? Yeah. Whereas Andy Anns, you know, we're in all, we're in every single airport. I mean, not really, but we're in almost every single airport and we're, you know, mall in the malls. Like malls are not dead. We're not saying that, but still, like, we need more outside of the mall locations. But Jamba huge in California, huge in West Coast. Not many in New York. You know, there's two in Atlanta, so it's like

Rabah Rahil (00:45:53):

Not a huge deal out here in Austin,

Bari Rosenstein (00:45:55):

Candidly. Exactly. So, you know, it's those things that we can't control. So we have to figure out a way to, you know, hone in on the west coast and, you know, post later in the day and figure out, you know, when, you know, most of our audiences are online and things like that. And for me, I'm, I get so excited I wanna post right now and I'm like, wait a minute. Yeah, it's 6:00 AM in California. Yeah, no one's up. So it's like figuring that out. And I that's an important piece to it too.

Rabah Rahil (00:46:27):

What? Look at you always, always considering all the angles. Yeah. I love it. I love it. Um, last question and then we'll get into the rapid fire. How do you see the next couple years of social in specific kind of like company social, if you will, kind of what you're doing? How do you see that kind of unfolding

Bari Rosenstein (00:46:49):

In terms of like what the teams look like?

Rabah Rahil (00:46:51):

Yeah. Or just kind of where do you think trends are? Do you think everybody's gonna go try and find a Barry Do you think people are gonna outsource in higher agencies? Like how do you think the best way people or how do you think people are gonna build successful social teams in the future?

Bari Rosenstein (00:47:04):

I think really investing in social is important. Yeah. So giving your social media, media managers the tools and resources to create amazing content. I think the reason why any Anja has have been so successful is we don't have a hundred people approving our content. We're just posting like our teams trust us that we know what we're doing. And, um, I think that's really, really important. And I think, um, trust, trusting your social media people. Um, and the beauty of social is you can delete it. You can delete it. Yeah. I've had to delete some stuff because of trademark stuff and not allowed to do that or, you know, things like that. And that's okay. We can delete it. And I think the biggest thing is if you're gonna be, you know, investing in social, you need trust. They need, you know, social media management tools.


They need work phones, they need, um, content creators. They need people to support them. I'm only good as what, what, I'm only good. I'm only as good as the content that I receive. So, you know, try, I work very closely with our creative team. I work very closely with our content creator to create this amazing content that you guys see. Um, but I'm lucky that I don't have to get it approved by 5 million people because we couldn't, like on Wednesday we posted like two different trendy things. We literally made it in, posted at it. We didn't get, have to get it approved by anyone. And if you're listening and you're thinking about organic social, invest in your social media managers and know that we do not do everything. We are not content, create what we are, but we need content creators. Some may need copywriters.


We need paid social is a whole nother thing. We do not do paid, like, we need community managers. We need social media management tools. It's social is not just tweeting. It's a whole lot of other things. So make sure if you're ready to hire social, organic, social, you know that you need to, It's more than just one person. Um, I think I I get very passionate about that because it's becoming more and more of a five man team job than it used to be. And people need to realize that and put some respect on our name.

Rabah Rahil (00:49:29):

Put some respect on that. Organic social people. Yeah, no, I, I, I, I could not agree with you more. I think that's one thing that, uh, when I brought on Tommy and then let him build out that team is that was very top of mind for me where I wanted to make sure that he had the resources to succeed. Because that is, um, kind of a bit of a stigma in terms of that, where you get an organic person and you can do paid too as well. And you can do this as well. Absolut, you

Bari Rosenstein (00:49:55):

Can do this. Absolutely. You're

Rabah Rahil (00:49:56):

Just spread across like 78 different things. You're pulling your hair out. Um, Yeah. It, it ain't the path. So if

Bari Rosenstein (00:50:02):

You we're now managing four or five different platforms with all different cadences, with all different strategies, like, how do I do that and paid and influencers and this and that, like, it's, whoa. It's scary. I'm with

Rabah Rahil (00:50:20):

You. Totally. With you. Um, are you ready for the rapid fire?

Bari Rosenstein (00:50:23):

Bad? I'm scared. Here we go.

Rabah Rahil (00:50:25):

Okay. No, it'll be fun. It'll be fun. Okay. Um, Atlanta, Overrated. Underrated.

Bari Rosenstein (00:50:30):


Rabah Rahil (00:50:32):

Oh, okay. Monica. Overrated. Underrated.

Bari Rosenstein (00:50:35):

Underrated or overrated? Overrated.

Rabah Rahil (00:50:38):

Okay. I was gonna say

Bari Rosenstein (00:50:39):

Overrated. Totally. Sorry. Overrated, overrated. <laugh>.

Rabah Rahil (00:50:42):

Um, going to uni, going university. Overrated. Underrated.

Bari Rosenstein (00:50:49):

I would say everyone should go to college.

Rabah Rahil (00:50:53):

Oh, really?

Bari Rosenstein (00:50:54):


Rabah Rahil (00:50:55):

Interesting. Very hot take. Okay.

Bari Rosenstein (00:50:57):

Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. I think it was some of the best years of my life.

Rabah Rahil (00:51:01):

Ah, that's beautiful. That's wonderful. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, CrossFit. Overrated, Underrated,

Bari Rosenstein (00:51:05):

Underrated. Really? It's not a cold. I promise. I promise you just, you think it's a cult. You're not in the right gym.

Rabah Rahil (00:51:12):

<laugh>. That's fair. That's fair. You did win Athlete of the Month, if I may. Uh, I did. Um, the p the pellets on Overrid. Underrated.

Bari Rosenstein (00:51:21):

Underrated. I'm obsessed with it. Holy obsessed. Love it. I

Rabah Rahil (00:51:25):

Try. Do it when I do the hotels. I'm trying to get one here at the office. Um, what gives you more, You don't have any gray hair. You have a beautiful hair of hair, but if you did get gray hairs, what gives you more gray hair? Jambo or, uh, Auntie Anns

Bari Rosenstein (00:51:39):


Rabah Rahil (00:51:39):

Really? Okay. Amazing. Amazing. <laugh>. Uh,

Bari Rosenstein (00:51:43):

And I have the whole team to bag me up on that. <laugh>

Rabah Rahil (00:51:48):

Paris. Overrated. Underrated.

Bari Rosenstein (00:51:51):

The fruit?

Rabah Rahil (00:51:52):

No. Paris. Paris.

Bari Rosenstein (00:51:53):

Oh, Paris. And the Paris. I'm like Paris

Rabah Rahil (00:51:55):

Rock. Oh, no, no. Paris. Paris came rock. Um,

Bari Rosenstein (00:51:57):

Little Paris. Paris.

Rabah Rahil (00:51:58):

Mm-hmm. <affirmative>,

Bari Rosenstein (00:52:02):

I think underrated. I just didn't, I needed, I need more time there. Time

Rabah Rahil (00:52:06):

There. Okay. Was the cuisine, was the French cuisine? Did it hit?

Bari Rosenstein (00:52:11):

It definitely hit. I don't think I did it right.

Rabah Rahil (00:52:15):

Got it. Tracking. That's a fair answer. Yeah. Um, I

Bari Rosenstein (00:52:18):

Was too overwhelmed. Speak cuisine.

Rabah Rahil (00:52:19):

Your favorite meal and why?

Bari Rosenstein (00:52:22):

Ooh, can I give like, like, I could eat breakfast for the rest of my life?

Rabah Rahil (00:52:28):

Oh, not like, uh, type of meal. Like the, like a little. I

Bari Rosenstein (00:52:32):

Know. Okay. Um, honestly, a Turkey, a Turkey club. I could eat that for the rest of my life.

Rabah Rahil (00:52:38):


Bari Rosenstein (00:52:40):

Bacon, Turkey, tomato, mayo, lettuce. Amazing. You can never bread. You go.

Rabah Rahil (00:52:46):

You do like a sour dough. You do like a wig.

Bari Rosenstein (00:52:49):

I mean, I am not picky, but a sour dough. Hell yeah.

Rabah Rahil (00:52:52):

Yeah. Strong. That's a good pick. That's a good pick. Um, favorite talker.

Bari Rosenstein (00:52:58):

Ooh. Um,

Rabah Rahil (00:53:03):

Or favorite account. Doesn't have to be a person. Is there, is there a brand account that you're really into? You can say your own.

Bari Rosenstein (00:53:11):

Not really. Not really. I'm not really a huge fan. Like love one person.

Rabah Rahil (00:53:16):

Okay. All right. Fan of the platform though.

Bari Rosenstein (00:53:19):

Yeah. Love TikTok. Love Dick. Do obviously.

Rabah Rahil (00:53:23):

Um, favorite place. Travel to and

Bari Rosenstein (00:53:27):

France because it's a great mix of things. I love food. Fashion sites. Um, culture. Um, it got me very inspired. Um, I really loved France.

Rabah Rahil (00:53:43):

I love it.

Bari Rosenstein (00:53:44):

Love I knew and more specifically niece, loved niece

Rabah Rahil (00:53:47):

That Yeah, that's what you were saying. Yeah. As

Bari Rosenstein (00:53:49):

You were beach. It was a beach on beach. What did I say? City on a beach.

Rabah Rahil (00:53:53):

City on a beach. Love it. I love it. Have you been to Spain?

Bari Rosenstein (00:53:57):

No. That's next. Well

Rabah Rahil (00:53:58):

You should try staying Sebastian. Yeah. You should try staying Sebastian. Cuz it's kind of same. Same but different where it's like this tiny little city on the beach. Sensational food. So cool. Um, very cool vibe. Yeah. It was a very cool vibe. Yeah. Um, oh my gosh. Last question. You ready? This is a hard one. Yeah. If you could have dinner with three people, dead are alive, fictional or non-fictional, who would they be? So you're sitting at a four person table. You're sitting at the head, you get to invite three people. Who, who's getting the invitation from Barry?

Bari Rosenstein (00:54:26):

Jonathan. Vanessa.

Rabah Rahil (00:54:28):


Bari Rosenstein (00:54:28):

That? Um, queer eye.

Rabah Rahil (00:54:30):

Amazing. I love that guy.

Bari Rosenstein (00:54:33):

Um, Lizzo

Rabah Rahil (00:54:35):


Bari Rosenstein (00:54:37):

Um, Beyonce.

Rabah Rahil (00:54:40):

Fashion and music. Music. Incredible.

Bari Rosenstein (00:54:43):

Yeah. Um, and

Rabah Rahil (00:54:46):

Well you only get to invite three, but because you're Barry

Bari Rosenstein (00:54:48):

Invite. Oh, can I do one more? Like, I love Mary Morris. I love Mary Morris.

Rabah Rahil (00:54:52):

Who is the I don't, I only

Bari Rosenstein (00:54:54):

Know she's a singer.

Rabah Rahil (00:54:55):

Two at

Bari Rosenstein (00:54:56):

I love her so

Rabah Rahil (00:54:57):

Much. Makes me feel old. You're making me feel old. What is she sing? Is she in a band or is she

Bari Rosenstein (00:55:00):

Herself mean? Yeah, she, um, okay. The song that she's known for is like, in the middle.

Rabah Rahil (00:55:07):


Bari Rosenstein (00:55:09):

But I like her other stuff.

Rabah Rahil (00:55:11):

My pop culture references or your pop

Bari Rosenstein (00:55:13):

Culture reference. That's ok. I'm not really into pop culture. I'm not into which either. Yeah. So

Rabah Rahil (00:55:18):

Now I'm just old. Those are good picks. I didn't realize you were such a music girl. I didn't, I I should have put two and two together, but

Bari Rosenstein (00:55:24):

I don't know, like, I just love, like Lizzo is amazing. Like I just love very confident people and I love what she stands for and Beyonce is just a freaking queen. And I love Jonathan Vanessa cuz he just is amazing and

Rabah Rahil (00:55:37):

He's hilarious. He's

Bari Rosenstein (00:55:38):

Really funny. Yeah. He would be good vibes. Such a fun person to dine with.

Rabah Rahil (00:55:42):

Good vibes. Agreed. That's a really good point.

Bari Rosenstein (00:55:44):

They're all good vibes.

Rabah Rahil (00:55:45):

They're all good vibes. So three musicians and a fashionista. Interesting. That's a fun table though. That's a fun. And of course Barry, you're gonna take an extra seat. That is so you, that is so unbrand a plus one for you. <laugh>. Amazing. Barry. We've done it. We've almost hit an out. I know. This is incredible. This flew by. You were, you were ab This makes me so happy when people's actual like perception of the, or my perception of their personality is like incredibly aligned with actually who they are. This has been such Ah, I love it. This has been such a fun

Bari Rosenstein (00:56:17):

Conversation. Emails. Yeah. This was so much fun. Um, I mean, my biggest takeaway is find a job that you love and it doesn't really feel like works. So, I know that's cliche, but it's brick and drill.

Rabah Rahil (00:56:30):

Just little cliches at the end. Amazing.

Bari Rosenstein (00:56:32):

Yeah. You just gotta find some that you love and it, it all works out. It all works out.

Rabah Rahil (00:56:39):

I think too. It all works out, but I think there's something to be said about like, you've been grinding and that grind has led to you building skills that are, then when that door does open up, you're prepared to walk in, walk through it, and succeed. I think there's a certain aspect of like, people get really demoralized where, um, Oh, I should be farther along or whatever, whatever. Like I'm just a believer in sharpen the sword every day and like, Yeah, make your be better than you were yesterday. And then if you just do that, like success isn't overnight. Success is like layering a bunch of small wins consistently, and then eventually something happens. It's not gonna be like this overnight success that most people think, and most people will actually attribute the overnight success and then totally discard all the hard work that it took to get there. And so I think that that's what's so beautiful about your, your journey right now is that you've worked so hard to get where you are and you're still working hard, don't get me wrong. But, um, you're starting to finally feel the comeuppance of all that grind. It's really cool to

Bari Rosenstein (00:57:41):

See, and don't compare yourself to other people. You have no idea what's happening under, under the hood. So like saying to yourself, I'm not where I'm supposed to be. Who cares? You have an entire life to get to where you need to be. And one opportunity, one call, one yes from the Coca-Cola company completely changed my life. So you just need one. Yes. After a lot of no's, there's one yes, that can change your life and you just have to trust the process.

Rabah Rahil (00:58:10):

What a great line one yes is all you need people comparisons the beef of joy. I I totally agree. Yeah. Barry, how can people follow you? How can they get more involved? Drop, Drop the handles. Drop the fruits. Tell 'em to go buy some pretzels. This time is yours.

Bari Rosenstein (00:58:24):

Yes. Buy pretzels. Chase it down with the Jamba smoothie. But you can follow me on basically Barry on all socials. I don't post on TikTok, but I'm on Twitter. Instagram, Get on LinkedIn. LinkedIn,

Rabah Rahil (00:58:38):

You know. Oh, you're on the LinkedIns.

Bari Rosenstein (00:58:40):

Oh, I love LinkedIn. Oh my God. Don't even start it.

Rabah Rahil (00:58:44):

Tommy is going crazy on that. Our brand account blew up on LinkedIn. It's crazy. That's a, it's a, it's a weird unmined source.

Bari Rosenstein (00:58:52):

Oh yeah. LinkedIn is, is the spot. I love that place. But

Rabah Rahil (00:58:56):

Yeah, it's very interesting.

Bari Rosenstein (00:58:57):

Yeah, come follow and let's talk outfits and nail inspiration. Amazing. We'll talk about social here and there, but mm-hmm.

Rabah Rahil (00:59:06):

Make sure your nails and kits are on point. Gotta bring the heat. Very amazing. All right folks, if you want to get more involved at Triple Whale, it's triple We also are on the Bird app at Triple Whale, um, and we have a wonderful newsletter that goes out every Tuesday, Thursday. Actually, I think we featured your essay a couple weeks ago, which was very well written. I didn't know you had I didn't, yeah, I didn't know you had the SA Heat. Quite the wordsmith. You are young lady. Very, very well written. Um, so if you wanna go catch some of Barry's essays, we have them in the backlog and I'm sure she'll be another contributing, um, in the future. And then what else do we got? We got a pickle ball tournament coming up that's not out yet. We'll be in London next week when this drops. So I will be in the UK doing our roads show. And yeah. Barry, thank you so much. Do you ever make it out to Austin?

Bari Rosenstein (00:59:54):


Rabah Rahil (00:59:55):

Do you ever make it out to Austin?

Bari Rosenstein (00:59:57):

No, it's too hot for me,

Rabah Rahil (00:59:59):

But, but it, it won't be soon.

Bari Rosenstein (01:00:01):

We'll see. Maybe, maybe

Rabah Rahil (01:00:03):

You gotta come out in January. We're throwing the whale's. It's gonna be our award show. You gotta come out for that. It'll be fun. It'll be a party.

Bari Rosenstein (01:00:08):

That's pretty dope. Keep me posted. Yeah,

Rabah Rahil (01:00:10):

I'll keep you posted. <laugh>. All right, Go follow Barry. Go download the apps. Like you said, eat a pretzel, chase it with the Jamba Barry, thanks so much. This is just and absolute pleasure. Appreciate you. All right folks, that is another Roaz in the books. Thanks again. And if you do like this, subscribe and then tell your friends to subscribe. You can subscribe on any podcast network as well as the YouTube. So smash that subscribe button. All right folks. Thanks again. Bye.


How Bari Rosenstein Runs The BEST Organic Marketing for Brands

March 18, 2024


Hosted By

Rabah Rahil
CMO at Triple Whale


Bari Rosenstein
Social Media Manager

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© Triple Whale Inc.
266 N 5th Street, Columbus OH 43209