How Triple Whale Helped Obvi Scale +117% After iOS 14

Health & Wellness
Triple Pixel, Summary Page
Increase in revenue
Hours of manual reporting saved
Decrease in Facebook CPA

Obvi offers regenerative ingredients in delicious drinks, with a variety of flavors and products to please everybody.

How Obvi Scaled Ads and Grew Revenue +67% After iOS14


After the iOS14.5 update, Obvi’s returns on ad spend were plummeting. The team was forced to drop their marketing budget from $600K to $300K; a disheartening setback. At the same time, Ashvin, Obvi’s CMO,  was maturing Obvi’s omnichannel strategy. He wanted sophisticated insights like MER (marketing efficiency ratio) to evaluate full campaigns and N-CAC (new customer acquisition cost) to target higher LTV opportunities. At the time, the only way to acquire those business-critical metrics was by hand.


With so much time and money being wasted in the industry, Ash knew that his competitors were also searching for third-party attribution tools. But he wanted to be sure that he invested in a partner who could deliver on their promises. He found what he was looking for in Triple Whale.

“When we leaned into the data that Triple Pixel was showing instead of the data from Facebook, we went from a $90 CPA back down to $50. That’s invaluable.” - Ashvin Melwani, Co-Founder & CMO, Obvi


Obvi now relies on Triple Whale data when it comes to making decisions regarding ad spend. Here are some of the tactics they’ve used to achieve their success story:

  • Leaning in to Triple Whale’s Insights: Implementing Triple Whale reignited Obvi’s marketing performance and revenue growth. According to Ashvin, “After the iOS privacy updates, a lot of brands weren’t able to manage their marketing efficiently. But Triple Whale filled in the information gaps and helped us spend more on marketing. Having a tool like this is crucial.”
  • Leveraging Triple Pixel’s Omni-Channel Attribution Insights: Ash was blown away by how much the Triple Pixel data revealed about his business. “The sheer amount of data that they’re able to see and operate based on is something you can’t get anywhere else,” Ash said. “When we leaned into the data that Triple was showing instead of the data from Facebook, we went from $90 CPA back down to $50.” Knowing exactly how much revenue was attributed to every ad finally let his team optimize with confidence.
  • Exploring Detailed Customer Acquisition Cost Data: One key metric in Triple Whale reporting was N-CAC, which isolates the cost of acquiring new customers through an ad, rather than lumping them in with repeat buyers. For Obvi, it was an important distinction. "Leaning into N-CAC allowed us to not only grow the business, but to nurture and improve LTV. It helped us switch gears and scale the business back to where it was before,” Ash said.  The data showed Ash that their ads were capturing 50% of returning customers, who had lower LTV because they were less likely to purchase again in the near future. With adjustments to targeting, content, and offers, he was able to shift the balance, winning more new customers and setting up more long-term value with every ad.
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Triple Whale took my entire process and automated everything. And it allows us to look at our business holistically and see which direction we’re going. Now I can tell on an hourly basis if my company is profitable or not. Having that type of power is incredible. With our old reporting, I could operate at a loss without even knowing.

CMO and Co-Founder, Obvi

How Triple Whale Helped Obvi Scale +117% After iOS 14

CMO and Co-Founder, Obvi

Obvi offers regenerative ingredients in delicious drinks, with a variety of flavors and products to please everybody.

Increase in revenue
Hours of manual reporting saved
Decrease in Facebook CPA


After the iOS14.5 update, Obvi’s returns on ad spend were plummeting. The team was forced to drop their marketing budget from $600K to $300K; a disheartening setback. At the same time, Ashvin, Obvi’s CMO,  was maturing Obvi’s omnichannel strategy. He wanted sophisticated insights like MER (marketing efficiency ratio) to evaluate full campaigns and N-CAC (new customer acquisition cost) to target higher LTV opportunities. At the time, the only way to acquire those business-critical metrics was by hand.


With so much time and money being wasted in the industry, Ash knew that his competitors were also searching for third-party attribution tools. But he wanted to be sure that he invested in a partner who could deliver on their promises. He found what he was looking for in Triple Whale.

Triple Whale took my entire process and automated everything. And it allows us to look at our business holistically and see which direction we’re going. Now I can tell on an hourly basis if my company is profitable or not. Having that type of power is incredible. With our old reporting, I could operate at a loss without even knowing.

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How Triple Whale Helped Obvi Scale Ad Spend by 117% After iOS14

Learn how Obvi used Triple Pixel data to profitably scale adspend and revenue.


Increase in revenue
Hours of manual reporting saved
Decrease in Facebook CPA


Increase in revenue
Hours of manual reporting saved
Decrease in Facebook CPA


CMO and Co-Founder, Obvi

Triple Whale took my entire process and automated everything. And it allows us to look at our business holistically and see which direction we’re going. Now I can tell on an hourly basis if my company is profitable or not. Having that type of power is incredible. With our old reporting, I could operate at a loss without even knowing.


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Obvi offers regenerative ingredients in delicious drinks, with a variety of flavors and products to please everybody.


After the iOS14.5 update, Obvi’s returns on ad spend were plummeting. The team was forced to drop their marketing budget from $600K to $300K; a disheartening setback. At the same time, Ashvin, Obvi’s CMO,  was maturing Obvi’s omnichannel strategy. He wanted sophisticated insights like MER (marketing efficiency ratio) to evaluate full campaigns and N-CAC (new customer acquisition cost) to target higher LTV opportunities. At the time, the only way to acquire those business-critical metrics was by hand.


© Triple Whale Inc.
266 N 5th Street, Columbus OH 43209