How Casadigi Media Partnered with Triple Whale and Scaled Highland’s Shopify Revenue +1200% YoY
AJ Ferguson had been working at some of the top agencies in the industry for several years when some of his good friends approached him seeking his help in scaling Highland. AJ had been thinking about starting his own agency for a while at this point, and this was the perfect opportunity to start.
He did just that and started Casadigi Media, with Triple whale as a key component of his strategy.
One of the core philosophies behind Casadigi was AJ's desire to break free from traditional thinking that stifled creativity. Having experienced burnout in past roles, he realized the importance of a collaborative approach where individuals aligned with a unified mission. With the freedom to experiment and innovate, AJ veered away from the traditional ecommerce call-to-actions. Instead, they focused on storytelling, complemented by compelling photography and videography.
This strategy proved to be immensely successful. Let's get into the details!
In AJ’s prior agency experience before using Triple Whale, he grappled with overwhelming and often inconsistent data, clients who were laser focused on short-term metrics rather than long-term metrics, and disparate platforms where the data lived. As a result, he faced the following key challenges:
Inconsistent Data: The impacts of iOS 14 and tracking opt-outs caused week-to-week variability in data which made it difficult to understand, interpret, and communicate advertising results. With the inconsistent data in hand, AJ found it challenging to craft a coherent narrative for clients, making it hard to provide insights and future strategies.
Client Focus on ROAS and CPA: Clients AJ dealt with were fixated on return on ad spend (ROAS) and cost per acquisition (CPA) as key performance metrics. This tunnel vision approach posed challenges that limited AJ’s ability to show the big picture.
Difficulty in Recognizing Performance Discrepancies: Without a tool like Triple Whale, discerning discrepancies or sudden shifts in ad performance became a daunting task. This was evident when ads were wrongly flagged, and native platforms kept showing repetitive results without highlighting the actual problem.
Lack of Unified Platform for Data Interpretation: AJ lacked a singular, consistent platform to gather and interpret data from various sources. Shopify wouldn't talk to Meta+Google or vice versa. When softwares can't talk to each other, who can you really trust? Triple Whale mediates by holding the hands of both parties.
“A big challenge we faced were that every client primarily cared about ROAS and CPA. It was genuinely overwhelming to consistently check and compile these reports weekly due to the vast inconsistencies in the data. The real focus should be on LTV and LTV/CPA since these are long-term goals with more consistency.” AJ Ferguson, Founder & CEO
AJ was first introduced to Triple Whale before he started Casasigi Media. Tasked with managing Pourri’s performance marketing, AJ witnessed the groundbreaking impact of Triple Whale on attribution loss. Unlike before, Triple Whale offered consistency in data storytelling. Rather than grappling with variable figures and struggling to form a narrative each week, the software presented a coherent and consistent data picture. For AJ, this meant a more straightforward workflow and enhanced accuracy in reporting.
After starting Casadigi Media, the experience with Highland was a continued testament to Triple Whale's efficiency. Even though Highland had limited data, AJ swiftly discerned discrepancies, performance metrics, and budget allocations. This enabled Highland to hit the ground running and achieve almost instantaneous scale/growth within the first 3 months of launching out new strategy.
Triple Whale's prowess shone brightly when an issue arose last month with two of Highland's ads being wrongly flagged for adult content. While other platforms displayed repetitive results, Triple Whale pinpointed a spike, enabling the team to remedy the performance drop within Meta.
Some of AJ’s favorite TW tools include Lighthouse, Summary Page, Creative Cockpit, Pixel, and Custom Metrics. We’ll dive more into those in the next section.
“I've been working with Triple Whale for so long that it's easy for me to actually sell it as a service as part of a contract with Casadigi. Every single client that I that I talk to. I ask, are you on Triple Whale? If not. Why not? Whats going on? You're still trusting data that's in platform?! That's not wise.” AJ Ferguson, Founder & CEO
“With Triple Whale, I’ve achieved greater consistency in storytelling. Instead of grappling with a down week and wasting time trying to explain why they occurred, we’re now able to stay focused on our long-term goals. Triple Whale provided a clarity for the big picture items that we looked to achieve. I suspect we'd be totally lost without all of Triple Whale's ever-growing tools.”