Processes to re-engage customers who have left items in their shopping cart without making a purchase.
The percentage of customers who complete a purchase after being sent a cart abandonment email or retargeted with ads to remind them of items left in their shopping cart.
Accounting method that recognizes revenue when earned, not when paid
Total amount spent on advertising
A marketing arrangement by which an online retailer pays commission to an external website for traffic or sales generated from its referrals.
Total conversion value from all ad interactions
Total number of purchases from all ad interactions
Average Order Value (AOV) calculates the average amount spent by customers per order, after shipping and taxes.
Activities designed to establish a brand or individual as a leading expert in their field, thereby increasing credibility and attracting more leads.
The average amount of money a customer spends when placing an order on an e-commerce website. Calculated by dividing total revenue by the number of orders.
A metric that measures the revenue generated per user or unit, typically used by subscription-based businesses to assess profitability.
Blended Attributed Return on Ad Spend (BA ROAS) refers to the ratio of revenue to channel-attributed advertising expenditure, across all channels and platforms (including custom ad spend).
Blended Ad Spend refers to the total amount of money spent on advertising across all channels and platforms (including custom ad spend).
Blended Return on Ad Spend (Blended ROAS) is the ratio of order revenue to the total advertising expenditure, including both channel ad spend and custom ad spend, across all channels.
This refers to the final stage in the sales funnel, where potential customers are ready to make a purchase decision. At this stage, marketing efforts are concentrated on converting leads into customers through targeted offers, product demonstrations, testimonials, and personalized communication. The objective is to finalize the sale and encourage customer loyalty.
The percentage of visitors who leave a website after viewing only one page, indicating the effectiveness of landing pages in engaging users.
The point at which total revenues equal total costs, resulting in no net loss or gain.
The rate at which a company is spending its capital before reaching profitability, often used by startups to gauge financial health.
Resources that offer advice on how to choose the best product or service among various options, aiding consumers in making informed decisions.
Detailed analyses of specific instances where a product or service successfully resolved a customer's issues, showcasing real-world applications and benefits.
Accounting method that recognizes revenue when cash is received
The net amount of cash and cash-equivalents moving into and out of a business. Positive cash flow indicates financial health.
Revenue after subtracting costs and expenses
Improving the checkout process to increase conversion rates.
The percentage of customers who cancel or fail to renew a subscription or service over a given time period. Also known as attrition rate.
The ratio of users who click on a specific link to the total number of users who view the content. Indicates the effectiveness of ads, emails, and calls-to-action.
Number of times an ad is clicked
Strategies used by salespeople to persuade a prospect to make a purchase.
Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) refers to the direct costs associated with producing the goods that a company sells. The data is imported directly from the shop platform, and can also be configured in Settings > Cost Settings.
The process of gathering, organizing, and presenting digital content around specific subjects.
The process of making sure content is written in a way that it can reach the largest possible target audience.
Republishing the same content on different platforms to reach a broader audience.
Improving the steps that lead a prospect towards becoming a customer to increase conversion rates.
The percentage of visitors to a website that complete a desired goal (such as making a purchase or filling out a form). Calculated by dividing the number of conversions by total visitors.
Improving the percentage of visitors who perform a desired action on a website.
The amount an advertiser pays each time a user clicks on one of their ads. Used in pay-per-click (PPC) advertising models.
The cost of 1,000 ad impressions on a website. Used to measure the cost-effectiveness of advertising campaigns.
Cost per Acquisition: Average cost to acquire an order.
Suggesting related or complementary products to a customer who is considering a purchase.
Custom Expenses refers to the sum of all expenses not otherwise accounted for (including custom expenses marked as ad spend), as manually set in Triple Whale admin. These expenses are deducted when calculating Net Profit. Custom Expenses can be configured in Settings > Cost Settings.
Various platforms or methods used to attract new customers, such as social media, email marketing, or paid advertising.
The total cost of acquiring a new customer, including all marketing and sales expenses.
The process of attracting, engaging, and converting leads into customers. Consists of awareness, interest, decision, and action stages.
Data points that measure how actively involved customers are with a brand's content and products, such as time spent on site, bounce rate, and social shares.
A process of gathering and using customer feedback to improve products and services.
The total worth to a business of a customer over the whole period of their relationship.
A list of steps for new customers to follow to start using a product or service effectively.
Semi-fictional characters based on your existing (or ideal) customers that help you understand your target audience better.
The ability of a company to retain its customers over a period.
Techniques and practices aimed at keeping existing customers engaged and reducing churn.
Questionnaires designed to gauge customer satisfaction levels.
Narratives that highlight how customers have achieved their goals or solved problems using a product or service, often used to demonstrate value and build trust.
Providing superior assistance and advice to customers.
Protecting personal information collected from customers.
Marketing strategies and actions that are guided by data analysis and insights. This approach involves collecting and analyzing data from various sources to inform decisions, optimize campaigns, and improve overall marketing effectiveness.
Average number of days a product remains in inventory before being sold.
The average number of days it takes a company to collect payment after a sale has been made. Indicates the effectiveness of a company's credit and collection policies.Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and
The final steps in the sales process to secure a purchase commitment from a lead.
The focus on targeted marketing programs to drive awareness and interest in a company's products and services.
The information about a person that exists on the Internet as a result of their online activity.
Pricing strategies that involve temporary reducing the price of products or services to boost sales.
Adjusting prices in real-time based on demand, competition, and other factors.
Seamlessly connecting online shopping systems with other backend systems like inventory, shipping, and CRM.
A measure of a company's overall financial performance and ability to generate operating cash flow. Excludes the impact of financing and accounting decisions.
Digital books offered as a lead magnet to provide value and capture contact information from potential customers.
The ideal order quantity a company should purchase to minimize its inventory costs.
Content designed to teach your audience something valuable, helping to build trust and authority in your niche.
The practice of sending commercial messages, typically to a group of people, using email. Used to promote products, build relationships, and drive sales.
Sending a series of emails with the goal of building a relationship with leads at different stages of the sales funnel.
Measures that indicate how actively involved with your content your audience is, such as time on page, comments, and shares.
Promoting a product, brand, or service through in-person or virtual events to engage directly with potential customers.
Dedicated areas on websites or in marketing materials where businesses answer common questions, helping to address potential customer concerns and reduce purchasing barriers.
The last and often best offer made to a prospect to clinch the sale.
Short-term sales offering significant discounts or promotions on products or services.
The average number of times Unique Customers place a purchase.
Creating a seamless and easy buying process for the customer.
The practice of delivering content or advertisements to a user based on their geographic locations.
The difference between a company's revenue and the cost of goods sold, divided by revenue. Indicates the percentage of each sales dollar that the company retains as gross profit.
The total value of merchandise sold over a certain time period through a particular marketplace or platform. Includes sales from all vendors.
The total revenue of the products in the order, before adjustments such as discounts, shipping, returns, fees, and taxes.
Policies that promise customer satisfaction, often including money-back guarantees.
Handling fees is a custom expense that relates to the seller's costs towards boxing and packaging services. These can be configured in Settings > Cost Settings.
Using hashtags to promote a specific campaign or to aggregate posts and content around a theme.
Search terms that indicate a strong intention to make a purchase or take another specific action.The total value of merchandise sold over a certain time period through a particular marketplace or platform. Includes sales from all vendors.
Number of times an ad is displayed
Attracting customers through content and interactions that are relevant and helpful, not interruptive.
Partnering with influencers to create content or promote products, leveraging their credibility and audience to reach potential customers.
A form of marketing that focuses on using key leaders to drive a brand's message to a larger market. Relies on influencers' authority and reach.
The process of partnering with influential people in your industry to promote your business.
Content that requires participants' active engagement—more than simply reading or watching.
Online experiences that allow potential customers to explore a product or service through interactive elements, improving engagement and understanding.
A ratio showing how many times a company has sold and replaced inventory during a given period. Indicates how efficiently a company manages its inventory.
The process of handling and tracking invoicing for products and services sold.
The process of researching popular search terms people enter into search engines and including them strategically in your content.
The process of enhancing elements on a website to increase conversions.
The percentage of leads that convert into paying customers. Calculated by dividing the number of customers by the total number of leads.
A marketing tool that generates leads by offering a long-form resource in exchange for a prospect's contact information.
The process of determining whether a potential customer meets a set of predefined criteria and is worth pursuing.
A methodology used to rank prospects against a scale that represents the perceived value each lead represents to the organization.
Systems used to rank prospects against a scale based on how they engage with content and their demographic information, indicating their potential to buy.
The percentage of leads that convert into paying customers.
A guarantee that a product will be supported for its lifetime.
Real-time customer service provided through chat applications on a website.
Price reductions offered to customers who have remained loyal to a brand over time.
Reward programs offered by a company to customers who frequently make purchases.
Lifetime Value (LTV) represents the total revenue you can expect from a single customer account throughout the business relationship.
The LTV:CPA ratio will tell you the ROI of marketing spend in the time period over which Customer LTV is calculated.
Efforts to educate the market about the benefits and uses of a product or service, often necessary for new or complex offerings.
The percentage of leads that convert into payiDividing a market into distinct groups of buyers with different needs, characteristics, or behaviors.
The technology that manages marketing processes and multifunctional campaigns, across multiple channels, automatically.
Programs that offer perks and benefits to members, often in exchange for a subscription fee.
A methodology used to rank prospects aMarketing Efficiency Ratio (MER) indicates how much revenue is generated relative to total marketing expenditure.
This term refers to the stage in the sales funnel where potential customers are considering whether to make a purchase. At this stage, leads are typically engaged through targeted content and nurturing strategies to help them move closer to a decision.
The most basic version of a product that can still be released.
The process of adjusting your website content to ensure that visitors that come to your site from mobile devices have an experience optimized for the device.
Interacting with customers via multiple channels, both direct and indirect, to sell them goods and services.
Ads that match the form, feel, and function of the media format in which they appear.
New Customer Cost per Acquisition (NCPA) is the total advertising spend (including both channel ad spend and custom ad spend) divided by the total number of orders by new customers.
Techniques used to discuss and reach a mutually beneficial agreement.
Net Margin, expressed as a percentage, measures the profitability of a business after all expenses have been subtracted from revenue. By tracking increases and decreases in its net margin, a company can assess whether current practices are working and forecast profits based on revenues. Because companies express net profit margin as a percentage rather than a dollar amount, it is possible to compare the profitability of two or more businesses regardless of size.
Net profit is the total revenue from product sales after deducting all costs, including advertising spend, cost of goods, shipping costs, payment gateway costs, handling fees, taxes, and any other operational expenses.
A metric for assessing customer loyalty for a company's brand, products, or services.
New Customer Revenue refers to the total revenue generated from first-time buyers.
New Customer Return on Ad Spend (NC ROAS) measures the efficiency of your marketing efforts in acquiring new customers.
Percentage of New Customers represents the proportion of first-time customers within a specific period relative to the total number of customers.
Encouraging website visitors to subscribe to a mailing list, providing a direct channel to deliver valuable content and offers.
Targeted campaigns designed to nurture relationships with potential customers and move them down the sales funnel.
A multichannel sales approach that provides the customer with an integrated shopping experience.
The process of familiarizing a new customer with a product or service.
The entirety of a brand or individual's existence online, including websites, social media profiles, and other content.
A financial metric that measures the proportion of revenue left after paying for variable costs of production, indicating operational efficiency.
The complete process from receiving an order to delivering it to the customer.
AOrder Revenue refers to the total revenue generated across all sales channels (e.g. Shopify, Amazon).
Providing customers with the ability to track the status of their orders in real-time.
Orders Count is the total number of orders placed, calculated by tallying up the total number of order records.
The number of people who see your content through unpaid distribution.
The distinction between website visitors coming from unpaid (organic) sources like search engines versus paid advertising channels like PPC ads.
Number of clicks that leave the current website
The process of identifying and understanding the challenges and problems that potential customers are experiencing.
An internet marketing model in which advertisers pay a fee each time one of their ads is clicked.
An online advertising model in which advertisers pay a fee each time one of their ads is clicked. Allows for targeted, measurable campaigns.
The length of time it takes to recover the initial cost of an investment. Indicates how quickly a company can recoup its investment.
The comThe technology that captures and transfers payment data from the customer to the acquirer.
Payment Gateway Costs refer to the fees charged the the seller by the payment gateway provider for processing transactions. These can be configured in Settings > Cost Settings.
The handling of transactions from various payment methods for online purchases.
Creating detailed profiles of your ideal customers based on market research and real data about your existing customers.
The practice of tailoring the shopping experience and communication to individual customer preferences and behaviors. This can include personalized product recommendations, targeted marketing messages, and customized user experiences based on past interactions.
Tailoring the shopping experience and communication to individual customer preferences.
Average order value from pixel-tracked conversions
Percentage of pixel-tracked visitors who convert
Difference between pixel-tracked and actual conversion values
Cost of goods sold for pixel-tracked conversions
Average cost per add-to-cart event tracked by pixel
Average cost per email sign-up tracked by pixel
Average cost per new visitor tracked by pixel
Average cost per visitor tracked by pixel
Cost per acquisition for pixel-tracked conversions
Conversion value from pixel-tracked conversions
Number of email sign-ups tracked by pixel
Percentage of pixel-tracked visitors who sign up for email
Return on ad spend for new customers from pixel-tracked conversions
Average order value for new customers from pixel-tracked conversions
Percentage of new customers from pixel-tracked conversions
Cost of goods sold for new customers from pixel-tracked conversions
Cost per acquisition for new customers from pixel-tracked conversions
Conversion value for new customers from pixel-tracked conversions
Number of purchases by new customers from pixel-tracked conversions
Number of new visitors tracked by pixel
Profit from pixel-tracked conversions
Number of purchases tracked by pixel
Return on ad spend for pixel-tracked conversionss
Number of sessions tracked by pixel
Number of unique add-to-cart events tracked by pixel
Number of unique visitors tracked by pixel
Engaging with customers after they have made a purchase to enhance satisfaction and encourage repeat business.
Support and services provided to customers after they have made a purchase.
A promise to match lower prices found on identical products from competitors.
Selling multiple products or services together as a combined package.
Content that compares a company's products or services against competitors, highlighting features, benefits, and differentiators.
Demonstrations of how a product works, often used to show the benefits and features to potential customers.
Concise documents providing key information about a product's features, benefits, and specifications to aid in the sales process.
The percentage of revenue that a company retains as profit after accounting for all expenses. Calculated by dividing net profit by revenue.
The automated buying and selling of online advertising space.
The process of engaging with potential customers through various channels and touchpoints.
The process of verifying and acknowledging a customer's purchase.
Total number of purchases
Ensuring that a product or service meets certain standards of quality.
Efforts to re-engage inactive or lapsed customers.
The process of encouraging customers to refer new customers to a business in exchange for rewards or incentives. Leverages word-of-mouth to drive growth.
Programs that reward customers for referring new customers to a business.
Targeting ads to people who have previously interacted with your website or mobile app but have not yet converted.
The percentage of customers who continue to subscribe to a service over time.
The percentage of customers who make more than one purchase from a company. Indicates customer loyalty and the effectiveness of retention efforts.
Showing ads to people who have previously visited your website or used your mobile app.
Digital advertising campaigns aimed at users who have previously engaged with a brand but did not make a purchase, to bring them back into the sales funnel.
The percentage of customers who continue to use a company's products or services over time. Calculated by dividing the number of retained customers by the total number of customers.
A metric for assessing customer loyalty for a company's brand, products, or services.
The rules regarding how customers can return products they are dissatisfied with.
Returning Customer Revenue refers to the total revenue generated from customers who have made more than one purchase.
Percentage of Returning Customers represents the proportion of returning customers within a specific period relative to the total number of customers.
Total Refunds represents the total amount refunded, not including cost of goods, tax, and shipping. Note that the refunded amount applies on the refund date, not on the original date of sale.
Return Rate (Returns %) refers to the total value of returns as a percentage of order revenue.
Gathering customers' opinions and experiences to improve product or service quality.
RPS (or RPV, Revenue per Visitor) is a measurement of the amount of money generated each time a customer visits your website. It is calculated by dividing the total revenue by the total number of visitors to your site and is a method of estimating the value of each additional visitor. RPS can also be used to determine how much you can afford to spend on paid user acquisition.
The amount of time a company can continue operating without needing to raise additional funds. Indicates financial stability and growth potential.
The variety of media used to support the sales process, including brochures, fact sheets, and case studies.
The process of providing the sales organization with information, content, and tools that help salespeople sell more effectively.
Predicting future sales volumes to help with planning and resource allocation.
A promise to satisfy customer expectations or offer a refund.
Promoting websites by increasing their visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs) primarily through paid advertising.
The practice of optimizing a website to improve its ranking on search engine results pages, driving more organic traffic and visibility.
Ensuring that the payment process is secure and protects customer data.
Dividing a target market into approachable groups based on demographics, behaviors, or other traits.
The percentage of a product that is sold from a retailer to consumers within a given period of time. Indicates the effectiveness of inventory management and demand forecasting.
Shipping Costs refers to the sum of all shipping costs paid by the seller.
Methods to manage the packing and dispatching of orders.
Different methods and speeds of shipping offered to customers.
The percentage of visitors who add items to their shopping cart but leave a website without completing the purchase. Indicates areas for improving the checkout process.
The measure of how quickly a website loads and performs for visitors. Impacts user experience, engagement, and search engine rankings.
Monitoring social media channels for mentions of your brand, competitors, product, and more.
The process of promoting products, services, or content through social media channels to build brand awareness, engage customers, and drive sales.
Evidence that other people have purchased and found value in a product or service, used to build trust and influence potential customers' decisions.
A sales methodology that focuses on the customer's pain points and addresses them with the seller's products or services.
Business models that charge customers a recurring fee at regular intervals for access to a product or service.
The process of renewing a subscription for a product or service.
Income generated from recurring payments for access to a product or service over an extended period of time. Provides predictable, long-term revenue streams.
Taxes is the total amount buyers paid in taxes on all orders.
Materials that provide detailed information and instructions on how to use a product or service, helping users understand and get the most out of their purchase.
Establishing a brand or individual as a leading authority in a particular industry or area of expertise, to build credibility.
Percentage of video views where the viewer stopped scrolling
PNumber of 3-second video views where the viewer stopped scrolling
Number of 6-second video views where the viewer stopped scrolling
This term refers to the initial stage in the sales funnel, where potential customers become aware of a brand or product. At this stage, the focus is on attracting a broad audience through awareness-building content, such as blog posts, social media, and educational resources. The goal is to generate leads and increase brand visibility.
Total sales is the total revenue from product sales after deducting all costs (including cost of goods, shipping costs, payment gateway costs, handling fees, and taxes).
Total number of video views
Emails sent to confirm a transaction or provide purchase details.
Methods to manage the packing and dispatching of orders.
True Average Order Value (True AOV) is the average order value (minus shipping and taxes) for orders with a positive revenue.
Number of unique customers who have placed an order.
Total Items Sold refers to the total number of individual units or products that were purchased by customers.
Moments where a business can sell a higher-value product or service to a customer.
Encouraging customers to purchase a more expensive item or upgrade a service.
Strategies to encourage customers to purchase additional, higher-value products or services. Upselling promotes upgrades, while cross-selling suggests complementary items.
The overall experience a person has using a product, such as a website or application, especially in terms of how easy or pleasing it is to use.
Insights and opinions provided by users about their experience with a product or service, used to improve offerings and customer satisfaction.
Content created by the users of a brand or product, rather than the brand itself.
The process of guiding new users to find value in a product or service, enhancing their initial experience and satisfaction.
Feedback and ratings provided by users about their experience with a product or service.
Content that provides additional benefits to the reader beyond the basic information, often used to enrich the customer experience and provide extra value.
A statement that explains how a product solves customers' problems or improves their situation, delivering specific benefits.
Recorded endorsements from satisfied customers, sharing their experiences and the benefits they received from a product or service.
A form of blogging for which the medium is video, and is a form of web television.
Reduced prices offered to customers who buy in large quantities.
Handling lists of customers waiting for product availability.
Promises to repair or replace products within a certain time frame.
The measurement, collection, analysis, and reporting of web data for purposes of understanding and optimizing web usage.
Enhancing all aspects of a brand's presence online to increase visibility and engagement with potential customers.
An online seminar or workshop where information is transmitted over the web.
Techniques designed to re-engage and regain customers who have churned or left a brand. These strategies often involve targeted marketing campaigns, special offers, or personalized outreach to encourage former customers to return.
Creating an offer that eliminates or minimizes customer risk in making a purchase. This can include guarantees, free trials, or money-back offers that reassure customers and encourage them to complete a transaction without fear of loss.